Well-Known Member
Sad to see so many with opinions when they may know nothing of which to speak.
Now, yes, there are trans claiming people who are doing so because it is a current "victim status" and they seek that, or because it is a fad right now. We would give them the left boot of fellowship in a New York minute.
But ya'll should know by now that many "trans" people were born with ambiguous plumbing, and the doctor and dear old mom and dad got to choose the gender. Often they chose wrong, and the so called trans person is simply seeking to right the wrong.
And you should know by now that not everyone is born with xx or xy genetics. In that case, should they come to our church, show evidence of salvation, quietly explain the reason they were in transition, and make appropriate effort to not offend until transition is complete, I would surely hope and pray we would welcome them.
But here is the kicker for you: I would bet, if I were a betting person, some of you most vocal about not accepting them have completely transitioned trans people in your congregation. See, those with a medical problem tend to just quietly get it taken care of as rapidly as medical treatment will allow, and then relocate to where they were never known by the old gender.
For those with a more mental illness driven transgender problem, I would treat them just as a bi polar or schizophrenic person. That is, offer truth, love, hope, and accountability not to act upon their false or delusional beliefs.
Now, if a person comes to your fellowship and is obviously corpulent, you find out they never work out and eat like a glutton, but are otherwise healthy, would you let that sinner still sinning join your church?
:applause::applause: Instead of looking for reasons to turn people away, how about we focus on those things that point them to Christ and pulls them in?
They exist. They are in our churches already.
This question reminds me of the questions about the girl who decides to get an abortion in the middle of the night. Or the person who decides to commit suicide.
Instead of being the place that hurting people can go and be pointed to Christ, we seem to take some sort of pleasure in saying no, we don't want your kind around.
Perhaps there wouldn't be any folks trying to transition if the Body of Christ was loving folks like we love ourselves and pointing them to Christ BEFORE the transitioning starts?