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I agree on this point as well. There are alot of shouting preachers, IN ALL DENOMINATIONS! that I feel, if they did as much teaching of the word, and they did being a one man cirus act, (case in point - T.D. Jakes.) maybe people would be growing in God's Word, if these preachers were doing more to further God's kingdom, like starting soul winning ministries, Tract passin' out Ministries, Food and Clothing for the Poor Ministries, stuff like that, as they did screamin' and yellin' and acting a fool, Maybe, maybe, Just MAYBE they'd be doing something!Originally posted by Trotter:
Hey, shouting is fine. But only as long as there is a message being proclaimed through that shouting.
If all you get is a bunch of opinion interspersed with "Praise Gawd!" and "Can I get an amen?!" and (while reaching over his shoulder and patting himself) "That's mighty fine preachin', brother, why don't you just preach on?"
If all I'm going to get is opinion, I might as well stay home and listen to my own.
In Christ,
Then I look at these modern "Teleevanglists" like Benny Hinn, Rod Persley, T.J. Jakes, ect... who deal in the FALSE "signs and wonders" and sell thier prosperity gospel, The Bible says "They have thier reward"! 'Cause Jesus is gonna tell them "DEPART from me, Ye who work in Inquity"!
Can I Please Get a amen?