Here's how I do it!
Get in the study---study---write--write--study--study---study---study---write some more---when I'm finished studying and writing----on Sunday morning I light the fuse!! Hoover Dam was built primarily by dynamite, bulldozers and giant excavators---not teaspoons and sewing thembels!!
Preacher spends 40 hours a week in the study----God will show up and have something to say on Sunday!!
PS---that dynamite??? The Engineers had to set it all off in "orderly" fashion----if they just "threw it in the hole"---they'd still be "throwin' it in the hole" today----and Hoover Dam still would not be Hoover Dam-----Study in the Study Room God's Blueprints for Living(the Bible)----learn precisely where to place the dynamite---drill you a hole there----place dynamite in hole---set your blastin' cap----and when the smoke and dust settle you'll have something!!!
Get it!!????
Get in the study---study---write--write--study--study---study---study---write some more---when I'm finished studying and writing----on Sunday morning I light the fuse!! Hoover Dam was built primarily by dynamite, bulldozers and giant excavators---not teaspoons and sewing thembels!!
Preacher spends 40 hours a week in the study----God will show up and have something to say on Sunday!!
PS---that dynamite??? The Engineers had to set it all off in "orderly" fashion----if they just "threw it in the hole"---they'd still be "throwin' it in the hole" today----and Hoover Dam still would not be Hoover Dam-----Study in the Study Room God's Blueprints for Living(the Bible)----learn precisely where to place the dynamite---drill you a hole there----place dynamite in hole---set your blastin' cap----and when the smoke and dust settle you'll have something!!!
Get it!!????