It boggles my mind to see people get in a GOP v Democrat fight. Wake up people! Nearly all of the politicians we have sent to Washington with our votes are liars, hypocrites, immoral, self-centered, covetous, self preservationists that try to milk as much out of the government as they can while doing the least. The difference between the right and the left as far as congress goes? A few ideas. Both are sadly immoral. While the GOP looks immoral for running on "family values" and turning out to be typical Washington politicians, there is really no difference. Doesn't it bother you that the people that are supposed to represent us are this immoral?
You might as why are we repeatedly getting people like this. I believe, and I could be wrong about this, that it is primarily due to the system. For one thing, you need a good solid base of money before you can run for Congress or President. That pretty much insures that you have a great chance of ending up with a greedy person willing to do what it takes to make a buck, who has long ago sold out integrity for self gain and self preservation. In other words, the perfect politician. Has no problem lying to the people to get votes, has no problem buying votes, has no problem failing to fullfill campaign promises, has no problem betraying the oaths he swore in order to insure his re-election. On top of that, if one is honest during a campaign and tries to run a clean campaign, odds are that person will be ripped to shreds.
Basically, we the people need to take back our political system from the immoral morons we have elected now. We need more servants and less royalty wishing to serve their own interests.