And we are vetting them out.
You say that like whites hate children.
No, you are reading things into it. Whites tend to have much smaller families. Why? Most of the time it is a voluntary choice.
Population cannot keep growing like it is, soon it will spiral out of control. We practice and hold traits that position our off spring for the most success, I am sure whites do the same thing. I am black btw, and think you at way off base.
I am white, FWIW, and the practices are deep within my Protestant culture. We are very heavy on birth control and abortion, and not much on God's command to be fruitful and multiply.
The worries about overpopulation are way overblown. The issues of famine and disease are largely matters of distribution and political disturbances and manipulation that seek to control people.
If a culture chooses to live a certain way they should not have immigration forced upon them that soon overwhelms their culture.
American culture IS an immigrant culture. Some of our ancestors were forced here as slaves and a few exiled as prisoners, but most came here quite willingly.
Also I am a minority in the US, but the Tongos are not a minority in their country in Africa.
As a white person, I am a minority in Texas. I'm okay with that. I don't have to be the minority ethnicity. The comment about the Tongos in Africa doesn't make sense to me unless you are making the argument that people should not immigrate at all.
Stop with the Muslims are minorities as they are not.
In the US, Muslims are definitely minorities. I don't understand your complaint.
What the heck are you talking about? White people white people white people is all you say. You are clearly white and so full of guilt I feel sorry for you.
I'm not full of guilt at all. I don't judge whole groups of people by what a few people do. You made an assertion that "we are the light" compared to the darkness of Islam. You sounded like a white racist, so I pointed out that white people have definitely NOT been "the light" that you claim.
If you intended to point out that Christians are "the light" as opposed to the darkness of Islam, the whole thing about two world wars and enslaving people across the world holds true for nations and populations that claimed to be Christian.
How do you think you, as a Christian, will be treated in a Muslim majority country?
It depends who you are dealing with. With many Muslims you will be respected. With some, you will be persecuted and even murdered. I know quite a few Christians doing Christian ministry in Muslim countries, so I have heard direct accounts of their interactions with the Muslim populations and also stories of them running for their lives when certain Muslim thugs (not especially religious ones, BTW) want to harm "foreigners." Religion is often a convenient excuse for violence.
But where are you going when we have let the whole world go Muslim in 25-30years.
IT WON'T. The Kingdom of God is growing and will eventually overcome all earthy kingdoms (religious and political).
Europe has already hit the tipping point and in reality there is no coming back. In France and Germany Christian are now scared to attend church because of open Muslim attacks.
Real Christians who are followers of Jesus are not cowards. Also, worship does not have to take place in a church building. Your response is full of fear and not faith or trust in Jesus.
Why help your neighbor? Jesus said to do it. In fact, the scriptures are full of calls to help the refugee.
Why bring a false religion here? People who openly deify Gods teachings.
Our nation is full of false religions, including the national civil religion version of "Christianity" that ignores the teachings of Jesus and promotes simply citizenship and "America first" patriotism.
What are the alternatives to those who hold to a false religion? Should we kill them? Should we avoid helping them escape those who would want to kill them?
What would Jesus do?
White people white people white people. Man you are guilty! Have you been to Africa my friend? Have you been to the middle east? China? I am certain we were attacked by Asians in WW2. You are so full of crap. Who sold my people? My people sold my people and slavery still exists to this day. In India, and certainly African and the Middle East. Stop it. More salves went to the Muslim nations and dies then any other place in the world. So there you go.
You simply describe the fallen human condition. There is no ethnicity that does good - all must come to Christ to be redeemed. Therefore, there is no cause to treat one group as better or worse than another.
Our greatest need is to fight Islam...
Jesus has not called us to fight Islam. He has called us to make disciples and immerse people in the immediate reality of the Father, Son and Spirit (aka the Kingdom of God), teaching them to observe everything that Jesus taught.
...and help bring people to Christ...
It's hard to bring people to Christ if we are ignoring His teachings.
...and end suffering in the US.
We are called to ease suffering EVERYWHERE, not just the US.
One of the ways you can tell if you are being led my Jesus is that you will also have concern for those who are not like you at all - even people you radically disagree with.