I'm not really up to speed with the ins and outs of this, but it does seem to me that American democracy is shaking itself to pieces. This is from a UK blog: ' I came across an apposite quotation from philosopher Roger Scruton: “Democracy arises when people are prepared to renounce their political desires for the sake of agreement with those who do not share them.” It does not easily fit onto a placard, yet it has a fundamental wisdom which we need to assert, and, most especially, we need to teach our young.
It was accelerated to warp speed when we elected the first black president who vowed to fundamentally change us. All the people that thought they would help erase our past trespasses by voting for him, failed to see the real reason Barack Hussein Obama was handled to achieve that position. He’s not that bright, but he is narcissistic to the point of appearing capable. They knew that image is everything to shallow minds. It worked. They created, truly, their perfect candidate who could, under the auspices of racism, get a pass on ‘his’ agenda. It was highly successful. The leftist media assured it.
True patriots were not fooled, we are the reason there is still a chance to save our country. I’m sorry that I don’t see that outcome for your country, as the socialists are still in charge, & you, as a country, seem to think it will work this time. Those who don’t learn from history are destined to repeat it. Sorry, couldn’t help myself on the cliche.