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Your Aren't Saving Lives After All

Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the link. It tells us only a small fraction of the cases.

"Information on underlying conditions was only available for 7,162 (5.8%) of 122,653 cases reported to CDC. It cannot be assumed that those with missing information are similar to those with data on either hospitalizations or underlying health conditions."

Also, to be more accurate and useful, they need to include obesity as a pre-existing condition in their assessments.
Fatness is a condition of most Americans and is one they don't want to connect in their minds to heightened risk of death. Lots of heavy people are living in denial.

Gold Dragon

Well-Known Member
My point is that, counter to their caveat "it cannot be assumed," you are assuming. Whether their statement "it cannot be assumed" is correct or not, you have no basis other than assuming, and it is counter to their caveat.

Just for the record, assuming is what statistics are all about. In this case, the missing data in question exist but have not been shared or recorded. The reasons for that fact may be very significant and skew the results dramatically. Again, from your link:

Yes the missing data likely is different, should not be assumed to be the same and will change the final results. But that doesn’t mean the preliminary data is useless. Just that the error bars are larger.


Well-Known Member
Yes the missing data likely is different, should not be assumed to be the same and will change the final results. But that doesn’t mean the preliminary data is useless. Just that the error bars are larger.
And now we are starting to get evidence that people high up are gaming the system, and the people, big time, big league.

Oh, wait, we already knew that, since they are always doing that, but always hope it won't be that way in a tragedy, and are always disappointed. Even those who don't believe in God should believe there is a hell.

Gold Dragon

Well-Known Member
And now we are starting to get evidence that people high up are gaming the system, and the people, big time, big league.

Oh, wait, we already knew that, since they are always doing that, but always hope it won't be that way in a tragedy, and are always disappointed. Even those who don't believe in God should believe there is a hell.

Is this another deep state conspiracy theory type thing? You guys love that stuff. I don’t really know what you are talking about.

Gold Dragon

Well-Known Member
And now we are starting to get evidence that people high up are gaming the system, and the people, big time, big league.

Oh, wait, we already knew that, since they are always doing that, but always hope it won't be that way in a tragedy, and are always disappointed. Even those who don't believe in God should believe there is a hell.

I re-read this comment and I think I understand what you are saying.

Are you implying that the missing data was intentionally left out?

If you have read population studies of this scale before (which it sounds like you may have), there is always missing data because they are trying to pool data from thousands of sources which collect different amounts of data, some more complete than others. Filling these data gaps requires going back and digging into patient records one at a time which is a time consuming manual process and sometimes there just is poor or no records (like in homeless patients, undocumented or John/Jane Does). In a fast moving situation like what we have here, there is only so much data they can process for each of these updates and only so much time they can devote to closing those data gaps. They need to set a cutoff or they will never be able to publish anything.

With each update they will be able to get more cases with complete data but also more missing data as well. It will be months after the covid19 pandemic is concluded that they will be able to more tightly close those data gaps. This is the hard work of probably only a handful of researchers to follow up with thousands of cases with little to no medical records. There are 10 names listed on the report.


Well-Known Member
Neither are you flattening the curve.

Professors Push Back On Pandemic Models: Be Honest About What Happens After Lockdowns Are Lifted
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Interpreting Scriptures, the COMING of my Lord JESUS SHOULD HAPPEN UNTIL THE END OF THIS NEW DECADE after sudden destruction, starting by the current PESTILENCE (Matt.24:v.3and7) and destruction of the current gigantic world of the Devil, which is already going to the ETERNAL FIRE as was in Sodom and Gomorrah or even the death exclusively of the firstborn in Egypt, as two biblical examples of destruction. By the way, the angel of the LORD, or better, the ARCHANGEL, is already wounding mortally the gigantic world of Devil and it will be until the appearance of the ruthless and bestial false messiah, THE SON OF PERDITION, and the establishment of the Abomination of Desolation.

Yes, the ARCHANGEL of the LORD is already wounding mortally the gigantic world of Devil, but there is a main target yet to be reached, that is to wound to death one of the seven heads of the Beast of the sea, whose man is described in Revelation 13:v.1-10, and whose head to be wounded is South America starting by the strongly IDOLATROUS Brazil. Follow the events from now on, day after day.

On the other hand, there will be resurrection of the dead now with the presence of the Archangel destroying this devilish world of Devil UNDER the order and command of the Most High and Almighty God.

The purpose of God was to reveal to the prophet Daniel, and JESUS CONFIRMED the prophecy, that "from the TIME that the ABOMINATION that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days (1.290 days). Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days". - 1335 days - See, there is a glorious promise of blesses for all them that come to reach this SPECIAL and SPECIFIC day 1.335.

As you ALL can see I am focusing the period of Abomination of Desolation of 1.290 days or 3 years and 7 months or yet 43 months to all readers open the eyes for the day 1.335, whose SPECIAL and SPECIFIC day 1335 was revealed by God unto Daniel to record the Day of JESUS's COMING, that is 45 days after the END of the AD. The COMING of JESUS WILL NEVER BE OR HAPPEN BEFORE the day 1.335, but NEVER. Remember the cry out in Matthew 25:v.1to13-46.

That said I formulated two exemples for better understanding of the moment of JESUS's COMING pointed to happen 45 days after the END of the AD. Here is wisdom: Matt;24:v.15 - JESUS SAID: When ye therefore shall SEE THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, STAND IN THE HOLY PLACE - JERUSALEM-, (whoso readeth, let him understand) : Now see, The Abomination of Desolation was NOT ESTABLISHED YET, of course. But taking as a parameter, IF the AD had been established in 03 31, 2020, the COMING of JESUS would be as follows:

Yes, IF the Abomination of Desolation had been rise up and be manifested in the day 03 31,2020 - then the day 1.290 (3 years and 7 months or 43 months) would be 10 31,2023; plus 45 days --> day 1.335--> it will be december 15, 2023 in CHRISTIAN CALENDAR, this would be the day of JESUS coming;

Now see, IF the Abomination of Desolation had been rise up and be manifested at 04 01,2020 - then the day 1.290(3 years and 7 months or 43 months) would be 11 01,2023; plus 45 days -->day 1.335-->it will be 12 16,2023, this would be the day of JESUS coming;
And so on.
The examples above give us only a rough idea of when the WONDERFUL EVENT of the return of my Lord JESUS should occur, if we count the days as soon it be established the Abomination of Desolation in Jerusalem, understand? Remember the cry out in Matthew 25:v.1to13-46.

The AD will be established in the middle of the week(Daniel 9:v.27), that is the LAST week or the 70th week, and the LAST week WILL BEGIN SOON, very very soon, AS SOON AS MANIFEST THE FALSE MESSIAH OF THE JEWS, the son of perdition, a former Cherub, who is the BEAST OF THE EARTH, the Beast like a lamb (Rev.13:v.11-18), whose MAN WAS BORN DECADES AGO , YEAH, HE WAS BORN DECADES AGO and he is among the people of Israel ready to manifest himself as the messiah of the Jews TO SAVE HIS WORLD THAT IS BEING DESTROYED BY THE MOST HIGH and ALMIGHTY GOD.

About that IMPOSTER was prophesied by my Lord JESUS in John 5:v.43: - 43 I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if ANOTHER (AN IMPOSTER, yes, AN IMPOSTOR) shall come in his OWN NAME (again: AN IMPOSTER), him ye will receive.

Remember: The ROCK IS JESUS

Last edited:

Gold Dragon

Well-Known Member
Also, to be more accurate and useful, they need to include obesity as a pre-existing condition in their assessments.

Hospitalization Rates and Characteristics of Patients Hospitalized ...

The CDC has a new report that does include obesity data and around 50% of hospitalized patients in the study were obese. It also reports around 10% of hospitalized patients in the study had none of the conditions listed.

The case numbers are surprisingly small with only 1482 patients total and only 178 with information about preexisting conditions. I think this data only involves completed cases (deaths and recoveries) and there are a lot of active cases still in hospital that are yet to be included. So again very preliminary data.

Clinical course and outcomes will be presented once the number of cases with complete medical chart abstractions are sufficient; many patients are still hospitalized at the time of this report.

Those 14 states are part of a network meant to represent the whole country in a disease surveillance network. It is not meant to be an actual total count.


Well-Known Member
Hospitalization Rates and Characteristics of Patients Hospitalized ...

The CDC has a new report that does include obesity data and around 50% of hospitalized patients in the study were obese. It also reports around 10% of hospitalized patients in the study had none of the conditions listed.

The case numbers are surprisingly small with only 1482 patients total and only 178 with information about preexisting conditions. I think this data only involves completed cases (deaths and recoveries) and there are a lot of active cases still in hospital that are yet to be included. So again very preliminary data.

Those 14 states are part of a network meant to represent the whole country in a disease surveillance network. It is not meant to be an actual total count.

What the Christians or believers in Christ JESUS need to do is to watch the fulfilment of the Word of God. The current PESTILENCE and the DESTRUCTION of all kind of STRUCTURE of the the current gigantic world of the Devil, believe you or not, these happenings are ocurring in fulfiment of Scriptures, the opening of the seals (Revelation 6), and in fulfilment of Daniel 12:v.1-3, and mainly Matthew 24:v.3and7, among others Scriptures.

Be sure that these happenings are one of the greatest signs of JESUS coming.

Matt.24:v.3 ... the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming? And of the end of the world?

Interpreting Scriptures, the COMING of my Lord JESUS SHOULD HAPPEN UNTIL THE END OF THIS NEW DECADE after sudden destruction, starting by the current PESTILENCE (Matt.24:v.3and7) and destruction of the current gigantic world of the Devil, which is already going to the ETERNAL FIRE as was in Sodom and Gomorrah or the death exclusively of the firstborn in Egypt, as TWO BIBLICAL examples of destruction. By the way, the angel of the LORD, or rather, the ARCHANGEL, is already wounding mortally the gigantic world of Devil and it will be until the appearance of the ruthless and bestial false messiah, THE SON OF PERDITION (2Thes,2), and the establishment of the Abomination of Desolation in JERUSALEM, called spiritually Sdom and Egypt.

Yes, the ARCHANGEL of the LORD is already wounding mortally the gigantic world of Devil, but there is a main target yet to be reached, that is to wound to death one of the seven heads of the Beast of the sea, whose man is described in Revelation 13:v.1-10, and whose head to be wounded is South America starting by the strongly IDOLATROUS Brazil. Follow the events from now on, day after day. On the other hand, there will be resurrection of the dead now with the presence of the Archangel destroying this devilish world of Devil UNDER the order and command of the Most High and Almighty God.

The purpose of God was to reveal to the prophet Daniel, and JESUS CONFIRMED the prophecy, that "from the TIME that the ABOMINATION that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days (1.290 days). Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days". - 1335 days - See, there is a glorious promise of blesses for all them that come to reach this SPECIAL and SPECIFIC day 1.335.

As you ALL can see I am focusing the period of Abomination of Desolation of 1.290 days or 3 years and 7 months or yet 43 months to all readers open the eyes for the day 1.335, whose SPECIAL and SPECIFIC day 1335 was revealed by God unto Daniel to record the Day of JESUS's COMING, that is 45 days after the END of the AD. The COMING of JESUS WILL NEVER BE OR HAPPEN BEFORE the day 1.335, but NEVER. Remember the cry out in Matthew 25:v.1to13-46.
That said I formulated two exemples for better understanding of the moment of JESUS's COMING pointed to happen 45 days after the END of the AD. Here is wisdom: Matt;24:v.15 - JESUS SAID: When ye therefore shall SEE THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, STAND IN THE HOLY PLACE - JERUSALEM-, (whoso readeth, let him understand) : Now see, The Abomination of Desolation was NOT ESTABLISHED YET, of course. But taking as a parameter, IF the AD had been established in 03 31, 2020, the COMING of JESUS would be as follows:

Yes, IF the Abomination of Desolation had been rise up and be manifested in the day 03 31,2020 - then the day 1.290 (3 years and 7 months or 43 months) would be 10 31,2023; plus 45 days --> day 1.335--> it will be december 15, 2023 in CHRISTIAN CALENDAR, this would be the day of JESUS coming;

Now see, IF the Abomination of Desolation had been rise up and be manifested at 04 01,2020 - then the day 1.290(3 years and 7 months or 43 months) would be 11 01,2023; plus 45 days -->day 1.335-->it will be 12 16,2023, this would be the day of JESUS coming;
And so on.
The examples above give us only a rough idea of when the WONDERFUL EVENT of the return of my Lord JESUS should occur, if we count the days as soon it be established the Abomination of Desolation in Jerusalem, understand? Remember the cry out in Matthew 25:v.1to13-46.

The AD will be established in the middle of the week(Daniel 9:v.27), that is the LAST week or the 70th week, and the LAST week WILL BEGIN SOON, very very soon, AS SOON AS MANIFEST THE FALSE MESSIAH OF THE JEWS, the son of perdition, a former Cherub, who is the BEAST OF THE EARTH, the Beast like a lamb (Rev.13:v.11-18), whose MAN WAS BORN DECADES AGO , YEAH, HE WAS BORN DECADES AGO and he is among the people of Israel ready to manifest himself as the messiah of the Jews TO SAVE HIS WORLD THAT IS BEING DESTROYED BY THE MOST HIGH and ALMIGHTY GOD. About that IMPOSTER was prophesied by my Lord JESUS in John 5:v.43: - 43 I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if ANOTHER (AN IMPOSTER, yes, AN IMPOSTOR) shall come in his OWN NAME (again: AN IMPOSTER), him ye will receive.
Remember: The ROCK IS JESUS

There will be GREAT TRIBULATION due the presence of Michael, and also there will be RESURRECTION.

Daniel 12:v.1-3
12 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.

2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

3 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.

Remember: The ROCK IS JESUS


Well-Known Member
I am enjoying working from home and spending more time with my wife and daughter (who also is required to e-school from home).

Now if everyone else would just go back out and start buying cars and shopping in stores and visiting doctors, then I could keep on designing Auto Dealerships and Shopping Centers and Medical Complexes. I also miss eating out at a restaurant. We need more testing so people who already have the COVID-19 (and recovered) can be exempted from staying home.


Well-Known Member
I re-read this comment and I think I understand what you are saying.

Are you implying that the missing data was intentionally left out?

If you have read population studies of this scale before (which it sounds like you may have), there is always missing data because they are trying to pool data from thousands of sources which collect different amounts of data, some more complete than others. Filling these data gaps requires going back and digging into patient records one at a time which is a time consuming manual process and sometimes there just is poor or no records (like in homeless patients, undocumented or John/Jane Does). In a fast moving situation like what we have here, there is only so much data they can process for each of these updates and only so much time they can devote to closing those data gaps. They need to set a cutoff or they will never be able to publish anything.

With each update they will be able to get more cases with complete data but also more missing data as well. It will be months after the covid19 pandemic is concluded that they will be able to more tightly close those data gaps. This is the hard work of probably only a handful of researchers to follow up with thousands of cases with little to no medical records. There are 10 names listed on the report.
Well, that particular comment was about other factors. But stats are made to manipulate.

Bottom line, all of the important medical factors that could really tell us what's going on may come out eventually, but that is unlikely to happen in a timely manner.

Meanwhile important decisions that greatly affect the nation are being made based on too little data and a lot of dubious political influence.


Well-Known Member
Hospitalization Rates and Characteristics of Patients Hospitalized ...

The CDC has a new report that does include obesity data and around 50% of hospitalized patients in the study were obese. It also reports around 10% of hospitalized patients in the study had none of the conditions listed.
Thanks for the link. Is HIV+ hidden in the stats somewhere?

And we are still ignoring the most important factor of all, how many people have already been infected and recovered without enough significant symptoms to warrant special attention, and what their histories are. We will never know this, because no one is even testing most of these cases, much less following them up.


Well-Known Member
Hospitalization Rates and Characteristics of Patients Hospitalized ...

The CDC has a new report that does include obesity data and around 50% of hospitalized patients in the study were obese. It also reports around 10% of hospitalized patients in the study had none of the conditions listed.

The case numbers are surprisingly small with only 1482 patients total and only 178 with information about preexisting conditions. I think this data only involves completed cases (deaths and recoveries) and there are a lot of active cases still in hospital that are yet to be included. So again very preliminary data.
There is bound to be considerable subjectivity involved in these hospitalization rates, with capacity and anticipation likely affectors, so comparisons by state or even by hospital may be invalid.

Also, it might be more interesting to see stats relating age groups to themselves, that is, what percentage within an age group are affected, which may not be difficult to determine, since their percentages of the population should be known.

Race is coming into play politically, even though certain subcultures may have more underlying conditions, and also follow different standards of social distancing. Same thing for sex.

While they are at it, they should categorize those affected according to levels of income, insurance, and treatment.


Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
There is bound to be considerable subjectivity involved in these hospitalization rates, with capacity and anticipation likely affectors, so comparisons by state or even by hospital may be invalid.

Also, it might be more interesting to see stats relating age groups to themselves, that is, what percentage within an age group are affected, which may not be difficult to determine, since their percentages of the population should be known.

Race is coming into play politically, even though certain subcultures may have more underlying conditions, and also follow different standards of social distancing. Same thing for sex.

While they are at it, they should categorize those affected according to levels of income, insurance, and treatment.
Yes, my governor half-whit extended the stay at home order yesterday, & added further restrictions, like no going to any friends house, or relatives house, or second home in Michigan. She also formed a task force, headed by her black activist Lt. Governor to find out what we can do to stop the unfair deaths of blacks in Michigan due to covid. They make up 40% of the deaths, but are 17% of the population. Racist covid! This will not be tolerated, they say as they kill black babies in a much higher ratio than that. They care!!! Yes they do!