Brother, look at those 'notes' on the page, it supports what I have said, for the 'marginal note' says at Psalms 12:6-7:
"+Heb. him. i. euery one of them"
This same note is also found in the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, on Psalms 12:6-7:
"... them: etc. Heb. him, i.e. every one of them ..."
Its simply a more literalized reading [as the other notes also do], which emphasizes that "euery one of them" [God's words] are going to be preserved by God. Where does it disagree with what I have presented contextually in regards the association with mouth, lips, words of the wicked, which will pass away, to that of God's words, which would never pass away, and be preserved by Himself?
Benjamin G. Wilkinson, even quoted the more literalized reading:
"... Inspiration declares that this revelation has been under the special protection of all power in heaven and earth. “The words of the Lord are pure words,” says the Psalmist, “as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve every one of them, (margin) from this generation forever.”<191206>Psalm 12:6,7. ..." - Our Authorized Bible Vindicated, page 150/168 PDF
Psalms 12:6 KJB - The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
Psalms 12:7 KJB - Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.
Leaving it the way they did, shows a more parallel reading:
Thou shalt keep them, O LORD,
thou shalt preserve them ...
Notice these
מןH4480 תצרנוH5341
imarot YHVH amarot horot Kesef tzaruf Baaliyl laaretz m'zuQaq shiv'atayim
aTah-YHVH Tish'm'rem TiTZ'reNu min-haDor zu l'olam
However, when looking at this, more closely, notice the first portion "Thou shalt keep them", [and the word "keep" is also to preserve] is a direct reference back to God's "words" in verse 6. If we accept the more literal translation of the marginal notation, for the second half, which says, "thou shalt preserve him", this too then fits with the context, since it would then be a reference to Jesus Christ being preserved from the congregation of the wicked forever [for all the scriptures testify of Jesus Christ, hence the many places which has Him saying, "I am poor and needy" [Psalms 40:17, 69:2, 70:5, 86:1, 109:22 KJB]], once He is raised from death. Jesus Christ is called the "word of God", John 1:1, etc KJB. He pours His words into us, His children [Matthew 9:17; Luke 5:28; John 15:7 KJB]. Thus, every one in Him would be preserved [John 6:39; Jude 1:1 KJB] along with Him. This would not negate the first half, in which God stated that He keeps His words, which includes Jesus words, Jesus Himself, and we who are in Him, being living epistles [Ezekiel 36:27; 2 Corinthians 3:3 KJB].
Nothing is wrong with the King James reading, neither how it is understood. It is deeper than is normally known.