Bible Translations
I read a KJV until I was in about the third grade and Good News for Modern Man NT came out and was given to everybody. I gulped it down like spring-water in the desert. I could understand the stories. May not be the best translation, but in the third grade, if I understood the stories and I don't think it hurt me Theologically at all I loved it. Then in high-school I started questioning the pastor and he recommended an NASB due to its accuracy. I had NO trouble reading it and loved it.
I'm a full time engineer and to this day I get frustrated trying to read the KJV English. Then when comparing Greek and Hebrew (primarily Greek) I started leaning toward my NASB and then the ESV came out correcting a lot of the RSV problems.
I notice that people are basing their "accuracy" on the Bible they like or the way it compares to their theology in ENGLISH. I think the accuracy of any translation should be its accuracy to the originals or at least what we have determined are as close to the originals as we have. Any other method of accuracy is just a waste of time since we are picking an English translation that matches the theology we probably grew up with. This is the reason I started studying Greek and to a lesser extent Hebrew.
I attend an SBC church and my daughter attends a Missionary Baptist Fundamentalist. I visited a lot, but got tired of the preacher telling me my translations of the Bible were written by the devil and the KJV1611 is the ONLY Bible that's true today, far exceeding any old manuscripts. Although they all carry the Oxford 1769. I also got tired of not hearing the gospels being preached and the liberalism of the local SBC churches are so evil, so I told my daughter that I have a real theology problem with the KJVO part especially since he quotes Ruckman and others all the time. I'm glad my daughter is taking her kids to church but my five year old is already questioning why grandpa reads a NASB and is not welcome with his Bible. At least my daughter is smart enough to let me read any Bible I want to my grandson and I usually pick the New Living Translation simply because he loves the stories that he can actually understand.
I suspect problems will occur as he gets older, but already my daughter is a little tired of the SBC cut-downs ten times a service. I told her that I would like to hear some good plain ole gospel preaching, you know---the part where Jesus came to Earth and died for ME!!!!!! I think she's growing frustrated but her husbands brother's families attend and the preacher takes them out to the steak house now and then, so I expect a household split in the future, but my daughter is one tough lady of 23 who said she would be an RN (my other two daughters got married) even if she got married and she has one year left in school. I'm proud of her and I think she is smart enough to know what's right and what's wrong and I think letting me read stories from my Living Translation is a good start on her part.
Let's get back on track and study some Greek and Hebrew THEN decide which documents to compare the English translations with. Otherwise, its a waste of time to quote what you like.
PS I love the sound of the religious "thee's and thou's" But, I don't need that language to speak to my God.