What is the single most important doctrine that determines for you personally what denomination you can be a part of? Can you even narrow it down to one?
I too, like others before me in the thread, look for the basics of the gospel first.
It should be most obvious; the purpose statement of a church.
After that, when looking a church's
"Statement of Faith", I examine how they handle the doctrine of creation.
Many now leave it out of their statement of faith, which tells me something and satisfies me. It means I am open to question someone about it at a later time.
Some identify themselves as
7-day creationists, which informs me how they interpret the bible. I could visit them but would never become a member. It tells me they are quaint traditionalists, probably not open to difficult questions of the faith.
Some use code phrases, among them is
"We interpret the bible literally", which is ambiguous but tells me the leadership probably follows a 7-day creationist view but doesn't make a big thing of it. It also tells me they may have a problem differentiating between
interpretation and