Does your post in this thread attempt to cast a bad light on other posters who may not agree with your unproven TR-only position?
Not at all.
My post was intended to voice my concern and sadness over not only contradicting ideas about what God's words really
are, but
where they can be found and
what actually constitutes sound doctrine among those who profess Christ.
In my opinion, it's a confusing mess and it's only getting worse.
In fact, I'm reminded of 1 Timothy 4:1-5, 2 Timothy 3:1-9, 2 Timothy 3:13 and several others.
That is why I'm convinced that we are in the very last of the last days.
Despite all that,
Look up, my friends, He's very close.
Can you not see the signs of the times?
When it is the most dire, that is how it will be right before He comes again.
Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;"
" ....Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?"