Recent activity.
First, you have made clear your belief that if a person identifies as Roman Catholic, then s/he cannot be a Christian. You have suddenly become more vocal about that.
Over the many years that I have been a member here I have never wavered from that position. There have been many threads on Catholicism and I always have maintained the same stand. Let me say it this way: It is possible for a person to be saved and remain in the Catholic Church out of disobedience to the Lord or out of ignorance. I know that to be true, because it happened to me. I remained in the Catholic Church for two years after I was saved. That is not what we were discussing.
We were comparing RCC doctrine with Bible doctrine.
It is impossible to believe the doctrine of salvation and the doctrine of the RCC (that which confirmation classes teach you) and be a Christian at the same time. If you can't be a Muslim and a Christian at the same time; you can't be a Catholic and a Christian at the same time. They have two opposing sets of beliefs or doctrines. I have always said that and maintained that while on this board.
Also note: While I didn't start the thread, the title is:
Your View on Catholics
Soon after, Catholics are no longer being allowed to post here. If they join under the affiliation "Christian" that is no longer allowed because `They are not Christians.' Seems like strange timing.
Soon after what? The Catholics have not been allowed to join this board ever since they were expunged as a group when Carson Webber and his ilk were here proselytizing. If you want further history on that you can ask Lori herself. She remembers the event quite well. That was a long time ago.
I find it difficult to believe that among all the site authorities that exist on this board, not one entertains the possibility that a person might be attending a Catholic congregation and still be Christian. It looks like you are determining who is a Christian and that settles it for all site authorities.
First it is not me. It is the administration who has set the rules. I am but one individual, and I don't make the rules. Please don't blame me as to who is allowed and who isn't.
Second, there are many who are not allowed on this board. Here are some examples:
Almost all world religions, and that now includes the RCC.
Almost all cults such as J.W.'s and Mormons.
Those cults now include Oneness Pentecostals, who used to post here.
There is a Baptist group, Millennial Exclusionists, who have been banned from posting here because of their extremist views, and because of their intense proselytizing.
Atheists were banned. We had many of them when we had a Creation forum.
--There may be some others which I have missed. Usually any non-trinitarian gets banned quickly.
Again, I am only a moderator, not an administrator, not the owner of the board, and not "the administration". I am one person-- a moderator on some of the forums. Moderators are also permitted to offer their opinions and debate them, as I have for these many years.
So I want to know: is that actually what is going on?
Nothing out of the ordinary
Also, suddenly the word "heresy" and "heretical" and "heretic" are used more and more by you for what you disagree with. It looks like all of the sudden, more and more of what you disagree with is now under that category. So, that is why I asked "is disagreement with you heresy?"
I may use the word heresy quite a bit. But show me where I have called a person a heretic. I attack the doctrine not the person. Much of the RCC doctrine is heresy. It is heretical in that it sends people to hell. There is no gospel message in it. And if any would like to debate that with Scripture I will be glad to. I sat in the Catholic Church for 20 years. I know what they teach.
Having clarified my `why' for the questions, would you mind answering them?
I hope I have.