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UFO Disclosure

Discussion in 'Other Discussions' started by MJ33, Oct 5, 2015.

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  1. MJ33

    MJ33 New Member

    Oct 5, 2015
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    I am wondering what peoples opinions are with respect to the UFO phenomenon and how it may relate to various End Time theories? I suppose I will also start this discussion with the following:

    In the spring of 2013, 40 witnesses from around the world including Apollo 14 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer along with military personnel, intelligence personnel, defense contractors, government officials, physicists, historians, lawyers and researchers who testified before former members of the Senate and House about the reality of the UFO phenomenon.

    Here is a short clip about the "Citizen Hearing On Disclosure." The hearing took place over a period of 5 days and involved many hours of testimony and lectures, and many hours are available to watch on Youtube.
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  2. Revmitchell

    Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    Its all a bunch of bunk
  3. MJ33

    MJ33 New Member

    Oct 5, 2015
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  4. SolaSaint

    SolaSaint Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2009
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    Check out Chuck Missler. He believes the UFO sightings are demons. What he has to say is very interesting.
  5. Deacon

    Deacon Well-Known Member
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    Aug 23, 2002
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    Here's another OPINION

    Do Aliens Exist? Renowned NASA Scientist Says 'No One's Out There' [LINK]
    by Morgan Winsor, September 24 2015

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  6. Revmitchell

    Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    For the same reason chasing big foot, the abominable snow man, and unicorns is bunk.
  7. Dolour

    Dolour Member

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Not just him, LA Marzulli is allso a great source of info on the topic.
    Or as Pastor Billy Crone puts is:
    If it talks like a demon, walks like a demon, acts like a demon, lies like a demon, and has the powers of a demon, guess what it is...
  8. InTheLight

    InTheLight Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2010
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    Exactly what is "demonic" about UFO's? Please indicate which choice comes closest to your beliefs. Please elaborate.

    1. There are humans possessed with demons that are flying spacecraft.
    2. There are demons that can make humans believe they are seeing flying saucers or make humans think they are seeing radar images (but there really isn't anything there.)
    3. There are Nephilim flying spacecraft. These spacecraft have advanced technologies that allow them to change direction instantly and seemingly defy Newtonian laws of motion with regards to momentum and inertia.
    4. UFO's are solid objects that are really demons shape-shifting to appear as spacecraft.
    5. Something else. Explain.
  9. Scarlett O.

    Scarlett O. Moderator

    May 22, 2002
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    I have two things to say.

    [1] MJ33 - In terms of the Christian faith and the Bible that we believe, unidentified flying objects have no bearing on end times. God has his plan of wrapping things up and in his description of those plans, little green men from outer space and their flying saucers have no part. I didn't make that up - it's in God's Word.

    Now I know what you are going to say. You are going to say, "That's irrelevant if they are already here."

    How do I know that's what you are going to say? I know because that's what you said in another thread at a Muslim forum where you posed the same question and got pretty much the same answer from Muslims. They said that Allah has no plans for UFO's. Now just because I said the same thing about God doesn't mean that my God and the false god of Islam is the same.


    [2] Over at the Muslim forum that I have linked above, one of them asked if you were Muslim or no-Muslim. Here you have said in your profile that you are "saved". But there you gave this answer:

    Why do you tell us that you are a Christian, but tell them that you are "opening and searching"?

    I hope you stay here and I didn't post this to chase you away. I only post this to say that if you are not "saved" as you claim you are, but are merely wanting to discuss UFO's with people of different religious beliefs, I suggest that you first start with a study here of what the Bible says about end times..

    I was a science teacher for many years and I know that the universe is wondrous, mysterious, and many times unexplainable in human terms. God, the author of the universe, cannot be fully known by our limited minds and neither can his creation.

    But God is clear as to how things will all wrap up. I suggest you start a new thread about that.
  10. Rolfe

    Rolfe Well-Known Member
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    May 17, 2014
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  11. Dolour

    Dolour Member

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Im pretty certain a combination of those two is indeed the case.
    Since Enoch tells us that fallen Angels tought man how to forge weapons and armor(in short gave us technology), as well as a crapton
    of scientists claiming to have had "aid from aliens" making their discoveries and inventions, i wouldnt nessesarily exclude technical
    devices from that list, yet theres not really alot of usable evidence for that.

    To wrap that up real quick, lets examine that previous quote:
    "If it talks like a demon, walks like a demon, acts like a demon, lies like a demon, and has the powers of a demon, guess what it is..."
    a) The pretty much exclusive method of communication is by telepathic means...
    Obviously they have no clue what a Star Treck style "universal translator" is, even tho they seem to be well informed about human
    hot topics, which strongly suggests their very well able to deciver spoken language, and vice versa, shouldnt have much problems just talking to us, or communicate by means less disturbing.
    Allso, which is related to Pt.1, there noumerous accounts of induced hallucinations/visions, where ppl witnessing the described supposed encounter as bystanders, didnt saw any aliens, but just the victim acting ina trancelike state.
    b) Which ties in to Pt.2. They seem to have the ability to appear and dissapear as they desire, and ignore known physical laws.
    Thats a common theme, and alot of UFO-researchers have voiced doubts about the physical nature of those objects.
    c) Abductees pretty much describe medival satanic-rituals, repackaged in an medical examination theme, with a similar shedule
    of sexual abuse, religious components, indoctrinations, and a general perception of horror and pure evil.
    This latter perception changes after the expirience, to a form of embracing theese "visitors" and their message, as described in d).
    d) A personal assault on Jesus and his divinity is a prime theme, as well as "mankind got it all wrong, and were truly are small gods
    ourselfs" New Age blah, blah, which could be copy and pasted right out of "conversations with God".
    A strong push for a worldwide government to stop environmental chaos, an upcomming ww3, insert random desaster scenario
    that fits the victims personal background/believes here, is an omnipresent theme during those indoctrinations described in c) too.
    e) See a) and b), material disposition is a common thing, right out posession, nowadays referred to as "channeling", and intimate
    knowledge of things that happened during times past(indicating that they were in fact there, usually they claim dead fox told them,
    with differing stories of weather its been ordinary ppl, world teachers, ascended masters etc), are just some examples of the stuff
    that would fall under this category.

    God bless
  12. Revmitchell

    Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    Oh my word this junk that appears on this board. Good grief
  13. Dolour

    Dolour Member

    Sep 24, 2015
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    If you consider this "junk" you should spend an evening investigating it, before taking for granted that this isnt a real phenomenon.
    How many hours in total did you put into it, to be this certain about how to "properly compartmentalize" it?
    If the answer is "none" you should go check proverbs again...
  14. MJ33

    MJ33 New Member

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Thank you, I will check him out.
  15. MJ33

    MJ33 New Member

    Oct 5, 2015
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    That's a nice opinion, although I believe the scientist referred to in the article is dead wrong and so do an enormous amount of other scientist as well as the evidence pointing to the fact that he is also wrong.
  16. InTheLight

    InTheLight Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2010
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    I definitely think almost all of it is #2.
    2. There are demons that can make humans believe they are seeing flying saucers or make humans think they are seeing radar images (but there really isn't anything there.)

    There is no Biblical reason to think that demons can shape shift and take on the form of solid inanimate objects. Demons ALWAYS require a host, either a human or an animal, or they wander around as spirits as if in a wasteland.

    Matt. 12:43 “When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none.

    What leads you to believe demons can assume metallic shapes? Please quote the Bible if possible.
  17. Dolour

    Dolour Member

    Sep 24, 2015
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    12 pt series by Chuck Missler
    LA Marzullis 0.05$ on it

    The Bible doesent have alot of content on demons really, theres just a couple accounts of where Jesus commanded them to GTCO.
    Enoch talks a whole lot more on this topic, and is where the term "Watcher" originally came from.
    Theres an instance where theyr described as floating blue balls of light, which is nowhere to be found in the Bible.
    Lets not forget physical phenomenon like crop circles, of which only a small portion can be accounted to the "plank prank" (and i wouldnt know any technology on earth that could cause some of the radiation induced symtoms found in them).
    I dont recall any specific verse talking about demons having the capability to influence matter at all(so it quite cannot be #2 alone)...
    What are "Demons"? Their basically fallen Angels, and can do whatever Angels are capable of.
    Angels can appear as all sorts of things, Cherubim for instance are known to resemble this weired eye-covered whatever wheel thing, with a multiheaded creature inside of it.
    They can allso appear as ordinary humans as seen in the account of Sodom and Gomorrha.
    Mind how the story goes a third of the angels fell with Lucifer, theres no mentioning of any specific ranks afaik, just who the leaders of those who fell with him were.
    Theese guys dont have any physical Body in a sense we would describe it, and can just take on whatever form they want to in this realm.
    The question in that case should be more like who of them, if not all, posess this power.
    Prolly some lower ranks cannot mess with matter, and are restricted to mind games, idk...
    #17 Dolour, Oct 6, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2015
  18. MJ33

    MJ33 New Member

    Oct 5, 2015
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    That's nice, when was the last time the Defense Intelligence Agency made an official report about big foot, the abominable snowman or unicorns and then sent that report to the White House, Secretary of State, Joint Chiefs OF Staff, the NSA and CIA?

    You can hear General Parviz Jafari (ret.), who was the pilot of one of the F-4 jets, speak about his experience chasing the UFO here:

    You can read the report from the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency from the following article called "12 Government Documents That Take UFOs Seriously." In the article scroll down to #9 and you can read more about the Iran UFO incident and also the DIA report that was received via FOIA. Anyways, here is the link: -12 Government Documents That Take UFOs Seriously

    Here is an excerpt from the DIA report:
  19. MJ33

    MJ33 New Member

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Your absolutely correct!

    That's irrelevant if they are already here.

    I was what I call a traditional Christian for 25 years then went through a huge personal crisis and became agnostic, then militant atheist. I am no longer an atheist because I saw the flaws in the logic. I began to search again and have found my way back to the light. I am always "open and searching" because, I feel to do anything else would be a waste of my time here on earth.
  20. kyredneck

    kyredneck Well-Known Member
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    Jul 28, 2009
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    Yea, it makes me wish I could take my welcome back. I'll not be so quick in the future (and actually I DID know better).
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