OK, now we're getting somewhere. You believe UFOs are demons that assume the shape of flying objects and you claim the Bible (or Apocryphal books) say so. Is that a fair assessment?
It doesent ofc talk about denons assuming the form of UFO's ina literal sense, but there is certain indicators that fallen Angels can "transform"(as some translations put it) into different forms.
Observations like UFO's adapting to the times they were sighted in(for as long as written history goes back), the general similarities to
occult/demonic rituals described by abductees, their obsession with assaults on christian believes only(they never mock Buddah, Krishna,
Mohammed or anyone else outside of christianity), and the logical assumption, that after roughly 4000 years of experiments they should
have learned pretty much everything about human anotomy that there is to learn, amoung many many other indicators, all pointing to
the same general direction, lead me to the conclusion that the UFO phenomenon and spiritual deception, in other words demonic
activity, are one and the same thing.
I have no idea why you would think Ezekiel's wheel was an angel or whatever it is that you say is a wheel with eyes. Care to elaborate on that?
Because cherubim, seraphim, and ophannim are all described in similar manners whenever they are mentioned.
Ezekiel ofc provides the most thorough description, nevertheless the attributes of having multiple faces, wings that are in particular
used to cover their bodies, etc stay the same.
Enochs descriptions of cherubim, seraphim, and ophannim for example, all speak of those strange wheels we find in Ezekiel.
Same as principalities and poweres for instance, those above terms are all used to describe several ranks of Angels.
You can keep insisting this, doesn't make it true.
The Bible verifies that Satan has great interrest in altering and twisting the Word of God.
Now, if you were a demon, wouldnt you want those parts, that could be helpful in identifying you, to be kicked out?
Allso, its beyong question that the apocryphal writings WERE in the Bible for at least a millenia, and acknowledged part of "scripture"
for several hundret years prior to the compilation of the bible.
Yet you havent brought up any argument why we shouldve taken them out to begin with.
Yes, bible schoolars decided its best to have them taken out, and thereby violated Gods commandment to not mess with scripture.
I dont find it too far fetched to draw the conclusion of Satan not wanting us to know this stuff...
Yes. The KJV is a "translation of a translation so to speak" as it is a revision of the Bishops' Bible, the previous "Authorized Version."
The preface of the KJV i have here states its been translated out of the Greek and Hebrew texts, not from the Bishops Bible.
They tried to stay close to the Bishops Bible, thats true, but the goal was to be as accurate to the Greek and Hebrew as possible.
We read that King James commanded: "That a translation be made of the whole Bible, as consonant as can be to the original Hebrew
and Greek; and this to be set out and printed, without any marginal notes, and only to be used in all churches of England in time of
divine service."
An excerpt from the 15 general rules of guidance for the translator:
"1. The ordinary Bible read in the Church, commonly called the Bishops Bible, to be followed, and as little altered as the Truth of the
original will permit."
"15. Besides the said Directors before mentioned, three or four of the most Ancient and Grave Divines, in either of the Universities, not
employed in Translating, to be assigned by the vice-Chancellor, upon Conference with the rest of the Heads, to be Overseers of the
Translations as well Hebrew as Greek, for the better observation of the 4th Rule above specified."
That clarifies that indeed its source were the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts, with the Bishops Bible serving as reference.
Conclusively its not the translation of a translation, but a translation was used to doublecheck...
Nothing but redicule, amazing how you react to your programming.
Pick up Huxley's "Brave new World" and give it a read.
I indeed use that nick for a reason, which is ppl like you...