Enoch didn't tell anyone anything. The book of Enoch is not written BY Enoch. Most sources you can find define it as being written between 300 BC and 100 AD.
I was actually refering to "the Book of Enoch" instead of the guy himself, my bad for being unprecise here.
Mind you how its allso called "the Book for the last Generation", so i disagree on weather "they"
are here or not being unimportant.
Its there to help us identify and deal with theese guys, and it had to be important, otherwise we
wouldnt have been given something aiding us in doing so.
Whoever authored the book of Enoch speaks of the angel Penume (sp?) bring evil to humanity with his ink and paper. That's not how the Bible says that evil came here. And there was no ink and paper in Enoch's day.
Poor translation that refers to the knowledge they gave us, in particular lots of things like drug usage(sorcery), astrology, etc, explicitly
forbidden in the Bible. hence this stuff was "evil".
Id consider warfare and "advanced" weapons pretty "evil" too btw...
Its not talking about the fall or the concept of evil at all.
This author also recalls the commissioning of Noah and the subsequent Flood in chapter 10, but how could that be when Enoch had long since been gone before those events happened?
Mostly convincing of all to me is chapter 70 and 71 where this author speaking as Enoch describe Enoch's translation into heaven and how he saw all the "first fathers" and the "righteous" and he saw God and the angels showed him all the secret things. Jesus said that no one has ascended into heaven but the one who came down - Himself.
The Bible says God "took" Enoch, he was the only Human that technically never died afaik, to a place from where he could observe all
kinds of weired things, including accounts of something thats often interpretet as "time dialation".
So, either the ancient astronaut guys are right, and Enoch was abboard a Spaceship, or he got moved out of our spacetime frame, into
one of the multiple "heavens". Ill stick with the latter one.
The same way english translations use just one word for the several "hells" (Gehennas, Tartarus, Hades etc) they allso just use one term
for "heaven", of which theres more than just one.
In John 3:13 its
ouranós, as opposed to
shamayim and, taken the above into context, speaks of the "heaven" in which God resides.
There a huge amount of the book of Enoch that contradicts the Bible. That's why it was not put in the canon of scripture. Yes, Jude possibly quoted from it. But Paul quoted from Greek poets and the author of the Chronicles referred many extra-biblical books. That does not make any of those writings scripture.
Its been a while since i gave it a read, but i dont recall any passage that contradicts the Bible really. Theres accounts of violations of Gods rules by Angels who practice or teach witchcraft etc, but Angels being disobedient to God isnt a contradiction to the Bible at all.
What it does contradict is the heliocentric worldview, and most likely wasnt included in canon for reasons like that and/or the description of magical arts, but thats a different story...
Allso, Jesus too quoted the Book of Enoch(yes i will not use just "Enoch" anymore), and i sayd this before:
If it was good enough for Jesus, it sure is good enough for me.
Was with you all the way up to this point. The Bible doesn't say much about demons, but it says nothing about this ability to assume whatever form they wish. You are also suggesting that they can take on the form of a flying object and fly at incredible speeds. I don't find that in the Bible.
You have to discern between fallen Angels and familiar/unclean/evil spirits, which are all lumped up under the term "demon" today,
that originally was a pagan term describing benelovent spirits(more like guardian Angels really).
Note how Luke 11 and Matthew 12 speaks of "unclean spirits" in the KJV, not demons.
The bible remains silent on the origin of those, and theres a whole discussion going on weather theese are the earthbound-souls
of the Nephilim killed during the flood, or not, etc...
See what i wrote on different ranks, this allso applies here, demon=/demon.
They surely arent all just the same, and noone can be really sure what they can and cannot do.
Unfortunatly most of the stuff, like the Apocrypha, which could have shed some light on this, were sucessfully removed from canon.
There however IS a wealth of information talking about how powers granted by theese entities, enable warlocks and witches etc
to shapeshift into animal form or hideous looking creatures for example.
Note that, if they can grant theese abilities to a mere human, they are for sure able to utilize those themselfes.
Everything a warlock or witch can do, is really done by "demons". If you wanna know what exactly they can or cant do, give
"Demonology" by King James and other literature dealing with the topic a read.
I wouldnt recommend delving too deep into this realm, but i think we can agree on the Bible not really being very talkative on the topic.
It just says dont practice it, and dont mingle with those that do...
Had to look that one up. *laugh*
Excuse my crummy english, its still a foreign language to me.