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The Birth of Israel


Active Member
I am already humble. While there is no difference between Jew and Gentile the Jews and me included are Adonai's chosen people. You or anyone else will not change that, because it is an everlasting covenant as are all the covenants in the Tanakh which are still in force.
I'm in no need of instruction from a stranger.
I have an extensive Messianic library in my home which I study and pray on Shabbat our
commanded day of rest. Besides I downstream LoveIsrael with Baruch Korman which I financially support. I'm also a member of the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America and the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations. I worship at the Baptist church on Sunday and then come home and work usually mowing my yard and trimming my rose bushes.
You sound like a "Replacement Theology" person. I despise Replacement Theology.
The Church has not replaced Israel as the apple of G_ds eye.
Shalom Aleichem
You demonstrate your absence of discernment again. Clinging to the perpetual error of the Jews. Pride.

I am a staunch opponent of ALL forms of Replacement Theology. I am a staunch supporter of Israel and scriptural Zionism.

Simple question.

Which is greater Faith, Faith Alone or Faith plus Signs?

Hint: Jesus addressed this with Thomas.