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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jun 1, 2005.

  1. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Lovely, wonderful Tornado Alley night.
    Maybe we will get to get some sleep
    after midnight?
  2. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Hey Ed! Stay safe! We saw that one area of the country is having serious problems with tornado activity. We've only had one alert this year.
  3. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Well goodnight to all who are still awake! The Cubs are up 3-1 so hubby's watching that but I'm tired. Thankfully, my tummy feels fine now. [​IMG] Also, Jon came home and called James Brown and told him to stop calling my number. I HOPE it's a quiet night!

    Sleep well and remember,

    Proverbs 6:20-23 "My son, observe the commandment of your father, and do not forsake the teaching of your mother; bind them continually on your heart; tie them around your neck. When you walk about, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; and when you awake, they will talk to you. For the commandment is a lamp, and the teaching is light; and reproofs for discipline are the way of life."

  4. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    I slept much better than I thought I would. The toe has stopped bleeding. Now it 'oozes' all the time (dr said to expect this).

    I have no pain unless I hit it on something. :rolleyes:

    I am soaking it in Epsom Salts each night and changing the dressing (using Neosporin) twice a day. Wow! Gauze is EXPENSIVE!!! :eek:

    I'm trying to figure out how to take a shower keeping one foot outside the stall. [​IMG]

    I am wearing a long skirt and toe sandals to church this morning - I have 60 cupcakes to deliver to the Bus Ministry...


  5. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Morning Sue and all who come after, Well I woke with some tummy ache again but nothing else so am about to head out to church.

    Nick got 5 mosquito bites while playing on the slip and slide yesterday. 3 are on his ankles. Those tend to swell pretty badly. The other two are on the back of one arm. One is large and the other small. I've put his medicine on them and told him to keep his shoes off today. Hope he doesn't swell up and need prednisone. :mad: I thought I'd sprayed him well enough but he had on his socks and sandals when I did spray him and the hours in the water probably washed off the Off. Oh well! This is why I dislike summer.

    Sure hope I can nap today. I just don't feel 'right'. Overwhelmed would be the word I'd use and I am not one to feel this way. This week should be much more quiet BUT it might be me thinking about all I need to do for VBS and not realizing I'm stressing over it.

    1 Peter 3:14 "But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed…"

    Anyhow.... have a great day.

  6. Wife of One

    Wife of One New Member

    May 10, 2005
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    Good Morning Boardmates [​IMG]

    After another long week ( and another trip to the doctors, this time with a sinus infection and brocitus) I'm resting on my only day off. I'm not going to make Church this morning cause of being sick. I'd rather not share it. I'm going to get to my Wed night prayer meeting and Bible study though. [​IMG]

    I sorely miss church. It puts an extra spring in my step. It's something I need to get back to. My girls need it as much as I do. See you all soon [​IMG]
  7. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Well, this has been a fun week. NOT!

    Dale - broken rib
    Brent - some unknown infection
    Sue - toe surgery (started bleeding again from driving the car to the hospital)

    I just got back from taking Brent to the ER. I thought he had a Recluse spider bite right above his lip.

    They're not sure what it is, but don't think it's a spider bite. He is on Keflex for 10 days and also topical Neosporin (and all this the day before he goes to camp in IOWA). :eek:

    I am taking him to a Dermatologist when he gets back from camp. He keeps getting these little blisters all over him and it's not poison ivy because it doesn't itch...

    §ue (Off to church again - I hope...)
  8. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    I'm going to join you in staying at home this morning, Wife Of One. I've a nasty cold and we worked on adding a new part onto the deck yesterday and got my neck messed up a bit. My left arm stayed numb all night. :(

    I'm going to try to get to church later this afternoon to finish decorating my VBS room. Mostly I'm going to try to rest so I'm not too sick to teach tomorrow. That would be a diaster since we are soooo short handed this year.

    Ed, how did ya'll fare though a stormy night?

    Sue, take care of that toe! It does sound like it is getting better.

    Diane, you have a whole week yet to decorate for VBS. Try not to worry to much about it. VBS always works out fine in the end!
  9. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Sue, little blisters don't equal chicken pox do they?????? Chicken pox don't always itch either.
  10. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    My whole week to decorate includes the day care kids so I'm going to try and 'work' on the 2 days I only have Ty and not the family with the baby. [​IMG]

    Sue, little blisters can bey dyshidrosis which means 'bad sweating'.

    Small blisters with the following characteristics:

    Blisters are very small (1mm or less in diameter). They appear on the tips and sides of the fingers, toes, palms, and soles.
    Blisters are opaque and deep-seated; they are either flush with the skin or slightly elevated and do not break easily. Eventually, small blisters come together and form large blisters.
    Blisters may itch, cause pain, or produce no symptoms at all. They worsen after contact with soap, water, or irritating substances.
    Scratching blisters breaks them, releasing the fluid inside, causing the skin to crust and eventually crack. This cracking is painful as well as unsightly and often takes weeks, or even months to heal.
    Fluid from the blisters in one area may spread the outbreak to other areas. For example, blisters may appear on fingers that were used to scratch blisters on the foot.

    Unknown, but commonly linked to excessive sweating during periods of anxiety, stress, and frustration. Some patients reject this link to stress.
    Not caused by sweat retention, as was once believed, however, skin kept damp will trigger or worsen an outbreak. For this reason, natural fibers for gloves, socks, and shoes are preferable to man-made materials that do not breathe as well.
    Inherited, not contagious.

    Topical non-perscription steroid creams
    Zinc Oxide ointment
    Hydrogen Peroxide
    Stress management counceling
  11. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Well the count is now 15 mosquito bites. 5 are large so far and the rest are about the size of pencil erasers. They generally enlarge to the biggest size they'll get at 24 hours. We assume he got them last night during the final 'water fight'. I am so ready for him to be over this allergic reaction! He's almost 11 for goodness sake! The kid just wants to be a regular kid and be able to play outside! I should buy stock in Deep Woods Off!

    Well I napped for almost 2 hours. James Brown is calling again and I cannot block his number. Must be a cell phone number. I'm seriously thinking of changing my number tomorrow. We've had this one for 6 years! :rolleyes:
  12. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Thanks for the info, Diane. Shawna had that on her hands when she was little.

    Brent gets them on his arms and legs as opposed to fingers, toes, etc. He will get 5-6 in different places - sometimes just one.

    They may not even be blisters. They have little white points in the middle and they itch. They don't stay around long. I'm thinking he's allergic to some kind of weed or tree in our yard.

    Yesterday, he was helping Grandpa chop down some 'suckers', along the boundary line, and could have come in contact with something then.

    He has a bite right above his upper lip and one on the back of his leg that look the same to me. That's why he's taking Keflex and using Neosporin.

    I wouldn't be so concerned if he was going to be home this week, but he is leaving for Iowa in the morning...
  13. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Nick gets little white bumps that itch that almost look like it's got a hair sticking out of the middle. Prickly heat rash. I buy Gold Bond powder (generic kind) and use that!


    Tiny, pink or white bumps
    Occasionally, some are pinpoint-size water blisters
    Mainly on neck and upper back or chest
    Occurs during hot, humid weather
    Heat rash can be itchy
    Older children report a "prickly" pins and needles sensation
    No fever or sickness
    Also called "prickly heat."

    Heat rash is caused by blocked-off sweat glands. Lots of children get it during hot, humid weather when sweat glands are overworked. Infants can also get it in the wintertime with fever, overdressing, or ointments applied to the chest for coughs (ointments block off the sweat glands). Older children can get it with exercise.

    Expected Course
    With treatment, heat rash usually clears up completely in 2 to 3 days.

    Home Care
    Use techniques that cool off the skin:

    Give cool baths every 2 to 3 hours, without soap. Let the skin air-dry.
    For localized rashes, apply a cool, wet washcloth to the area for 5 to 10 minutes.
    Dress your child in as few layers of clothing as possible.
    Lower the temperature in your home or use a fan when your child is asleep.
    Have the child lie on a cotton towel to absorb perspiration.

    Hydrocortisone cream.
    Apply 1% hydrocortisone cream (no prescription necessary) 3 times a day to itchy spots. Avoid hydrocortisone ointments. Calamine lotion is another option.

    Avoid ointments.
    Avoid all ointments or oils because they can block off sweat glands.
  14. Dan Todd

    Dan Todd Active Member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Good Lord's day evening to all my friends. My computer -- though still sick -- is working enough for me to post at home.

    When I wrote and posted tomorrow's devotional - I found I had to edit it - as all (') and (") ended up as (?) when I copied and pasted to the board.

    I had an Amish work crew build a new storage shed. This one is 16' by 18' - the other one - built over two years ago ws 10' by 16' - and it filled up all too quickly. The new one will be finished off inside - with insulation and some type of wall and ceiling coverings, as well as being electrified. So between Church - work - and the shed - I expect to be busy this summer.

    Please pray for Jan - she has tendonitis and a partially frozen shoulder. The MRI showed that she has a bone spur and a frayed rotator cuff - that is causing problems. She will be seeing an orthopedist on June 13 - to see what can be done about it.

    Dan - missing lately - but hopefully not forgotten.
  15. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Good morning all:

    Sue, don't worry...Brent should be alright. We'll keep him in prayer. How long is he going to Iowa for?

    Diane, I had mosquito's. When we lived in MN, they were the size of military helicopters and their bite was more of a sting than a bite! I had welts all over me that summer we lived up there. Even our dog hated them....

    Dan, glad to see you're back! Hope you can stick around here for a while. Seems like us guys are dwindling off of this particular section of the BB. :( We will be praying for you and Jan.

    Well, it's over 70 degrees here and quite muggy. When Viv and I walked out the door this morning, we were greeted with the essence of PePe LePue!~ YUK! We didn't get to be in church yesterday. I was so dizzy/unsteady the last part of last week that it was near impossible to even get up, though I did and sat in front of the computer in my chair for a while. All my doctor says is to "live with it"! I'm thinking of calling Benny Hinn.... :eek: [​IMG] [​IMG] NOT! The Lord will continue to see me through as He always has. I thank God that I have this disease and not someone else. It's been a good ice breaker for witnessing!

    Viv's got a long week ahead of her this week. She's doing someone else's job (this person has a higher pay scale, but Viv knows how to do the job so she got stuck with it at the lesser pay), and she's not really looking forward to it. But, because this person has been gone so much, she's hoping she'll be put in that position with a pay raise. It would be nice. We could definitely use the money right now.

    Well, Praying for ya'll today.

    MAKE it a GREAT DAY!

  16. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning Tony and all:

    Good to see you, Dan. How could we EVER forget YOU? [​IMG] We miss you! :(

    Tony: Brent is going to camp in Letts, Iowa (Cedar River Baptist Camp) this morning and won't be home until late Friday evening (I think it's a 4-5 hour drive-one way). I am sending his meds with him, of course. The nurse will administer them to him three times a day.

    He has never been to any kind of camp and is really looking forward to going. I feel like I'm sending my first-born off on his first day at school! :rolleyes:

    I'm having no pain with my toe, but the oozing is really bad (to be expected). I am sure going through the gauze and pads!!! :eek:

    It is supposed to be in the 90s' all week. I am going to relax and enjoy myself this week. It will feel like a vacation - no kids! [​IMG]

    §ue [​IMG]
  17. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Good Morning, All. I have two grandchildren this morning and I was only expecting one. We are up early so the little one can go to Bible School. The older one will sleep in and then probably get on the computer. We are going shopping today for clothes. I think we have nearly everything they will need for the trip.

    We survived the storms. Really wasn't very bad in our area, but we did have hail and I was afraid some of the windows might break, but they didn't.

    Had great services at church yesterday. A preview of Bible School and then the Lord's Supper. Last night our pastor compared Genesis to Revelation. WOW was that ever interesting...the beginning and the end.

    I'm not sure about the Bible School teacher. She taught my older grandchildren at Christian School and gave them tummy aches. We may not make it more than one day. Well, I have showered, the dog has had his bath. Now we just need to get Sissy dressed.

    Oh yes, I woke up this morning with a rash. What's going on?

    Have a great day
  18. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Well, when Brent got up he had a rash all over him that got worse by the minute. Back to the ER.

    He has Poison Ivy now!!! I thought he wouldn't be able to go to camp, but the doctor said that it is NOT contagious! I had heard all my life that it was and everyone I told - that it wasn't - didn't believe me OR the doctor. He said the only way to get it was to come in direct contact with the plant.

    Before anyone disputes me. The doctor was right. This is what I found on the Internet. :D

    So, Brent is happily on the way to camp with two bottles of Calamine Lotion. Two other kids on the bus had Poison Ivy too...

    I am run ragged already this morning and now my toe is hurting and oozing more than ever. I'm going to take a deep breath and relax!
  19. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    I used to get poison ivy every year and had to have a series of shot to help keep me from getting it in a "fatal" dose, as the doctors always said. It would cover me from head to toe every year. I would avoid it as much as possible, but somehow, that plant seemed to find it's way onto my skin. The shots did help, but they didn't make me immune to it. :(

    It's 93 here right now with a heat index of 99. It's going to be a "scorcher"! I had to keep the windows closed and the air on yesterday, and today and the rest of the week look like they are going to be the same way. There is a 40-50% chance of rain each of those days....welcome to Tennessee weather!

    Sue, we used to go to Camp Joy in Danville when I was a kid. As a teen, we came here to Middle Tennessee to go to the Bill Rice Ranch. Never thought I would end up living here! This place is FULL of history, though, and I am beginning to like it more and more. Hope your toe starts to heal up nicely. I had the same proceedure done many years ago, and mine bled and then oozed for about two days and started to heal up. Was glad when it was over.

    I talked to my birth father last night for about an hour. I haven't spoken to him in over a year. He said he never got the two letters I wrote him. I think his wife had something to do with that. But, then again, the way he is, he sometimes tries to alienate himself from everyone. Don't know why he does that. He's a mean old dawg. Anyhow, he hasn't seen my 1/2 sis in over a year, and my one brother he hasn't talked to in over two years. Another brother who lives right around the corner from him is about the only child he sees. His wife goes over and watches their grandkids five days a week while my brother works at a local fast food restaurant from 5am to 1pm. He was in the VA hospital last weekend with a mini stroke. He hadn't had any for a few years, but they came back last weekend. They were wanting to admit him to the hospital in Louisville, KY, but he refused, and walked out of the ER and drove himself home. I certainly hope I never get as mean spirited as him. I thank the Lord every day I wasn't raised by him. I know it sounds mean, but his whole family is literally the depiction of something one might see on TV as the common disfunctional family. He usually talks a bit about God. Last night all he did was cut down preachers, pastors, religion, etc. Please, pray for him and his wife, Margaret. They both are very anti-Christian.

    Gotta run. Have to eat and take more pills...Oh fun! :rolleyes:
  20. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Morning all!
    Dan, good to see you! Check out Debby's prayer request about her shoulder. She had to have surgery for about the same thing and is now in PT and pain. :(

    Tony, sorry to hear you are still having the Vertigo. I don't have your disease but have found if I take Sudaphed every morning with my vitamins that I don't have the congestion that causes the fluid build up and then ear or vertigo problems.

    Sue, I think what people misunderstand is that it's not the poison ivy reaction that is 'contagious' but if Brent had just handled poison ivy and touched them while he still had the plant on his hands, he could spread it. Dogs are bad about running through the woods and bringing home poison ivy to their families.

    Tony, Our Jon had allergy shots for poison ivy as a child. He had it so bad one year that he looked like he'd been in a fire. He had large pus filled blisters all over his face and ears. We had an area outside our fence that was filled with it and finally bought some poison that killed the grass, the plants and the poison ivy! Jon had his FIRST reaction to poison ivy last week and it's been about 18 years. He had a line of bubbles about 1 inch long. I put some steriod cream on it and it was gone in two days. He still has the dried up spot but it didn't spread.

    Nick's bites are just smaller red spots or bruised looking spots now. NO SWELLING at all this time. Not even a bump!! That's a major praise! They do itch... but he's using calamine now.

    Brayden arrived already asleep and had been up since 7 so he'll sleep until lunch time. Nick and Kelsey are playing PS2 and Ty and MacKenzie are in the sandbox building something. Patches found her pink mouse and is killing it over and over, running like crazy all around. She loves that one mouse. LOL

    I got to sleep in! Ty came at 6:00 and I went right back to bed and took the phone off the hook. Nick woke me at 8:00 because Patches had gotten her claws stuck in the window screen in my bedroom. I laid back down and dozed until almost 8:45. [​IMG] I should be able to sleep in every morning again now. Christy THINKS she's now on a permanent 11 - 11, three days a week with every other Friday off. (She's going to call from the ER with her schedule during her break. [​IMG] ) Since Ty almost never comes on Friday, I'll have no children every other Friday. This Wednesday I'm keeping the baby with Cerebral Palsy again so mom and the 5 year old brother can go to Six Flags with relatives. She pays me $6.00 an hour! He's very easy to care for. He's 18 months but can't crawl yet. Lovely personality. [​IMG] The week after VBS, I'm not going to have the 3 siblings because they can't take a vacation this year but Grandma has off that week and is going to do mini trips with them.