uhm ... pot, met kettle.
the best objection you can proffer is elevating a business over the person.
we have, for our casual reading pleasure, the acknowledgement of what entity is superior ... it's called the Bill of Rights. Now it was written to restrain the government, the Fed Government, but additionally is the Declaration of Independence ... not only of the new nation from King George, but of each CITIZEN of These United States.
With that is the responsibility to be self-governing as John Adams described the new nation's government being woefully inadequate for a people who isn't moral and religious.
the people.
This elevation of business/company over people is unConstitutional ... it's also unGodly. We have freedom in Jesus Christ, not IBM. The collusion of (big) business with big govt is eradicating the sovereign entity in our society: the individual. I believe this collusion will result in Daniel's "terrible" beast. Promoting this, even inadvertently is UNWISE.