Unfortunately, Creationists have no interest in "seeking truth". All most creationists want is someone to reinforce their religious beliefs and tell them that they aren't foolish for believing in such nonsense. Creationists are a classic case of confirmation bias..
If they were really interested in truth, then they'd read science journals which lay out in great detail the mountains of evidence for evolution. Instead, they'd rather visit religious websites run by known charlatans, most of which have no scientific credentials in any field related to evolution.
If you really want to know "the truth", then try going to court..
You see creationists can (and do) lie through their teeth all the time when giving seminars and debates because they know there is no penalty for lying in such places.. But they cant get away with that crap in court..
This is why evolution wins every court case its in.. Because in COURT, only evolution has any evidence.. In Court, creationism gets exposed as the nonsense everyone knows that it is..
For example.. Go back to the Dover PA Intelligent Design trial in 2005..
In that trial, you'll find expert testimony on the fossil record By Curator of The Berkeley Museum of Paleontology Kevin Padian where he lays out in great detail why the fossil record supports evolution and ONLY evolution.
Now, who was the creationists fossil expert who was called as a rebuttal witness to Padian's testimony..?

NE!!! That's who.. The creationists had no fossil expert to testify.. Padian's evidence went unchallenged..
Why..? Because IN COURT, creationism cant lie.. So it had no evidence to present, and no witnesses to call.
That's how bankrupt creationism is.. Also..
Now look at the McLean V Arkansas case back in the 1980s.. The Creationists in that trial called
their own expert witness to testify. His name was "Chandra Wickramasinghe". However...
Under cross examination, Wickramasinghe was asked if the earth could be 6 to 10 thousand years old as creationists claimed it is, and UNDER OATH Wickramasinghe said "NO!! It HAD to be millions of years old..
Now, That wasn't the evolution witness.. that was the expert
FOR the creationists.. Their OWN WITNESS (once under oath) made it perfectly clear at trial that the Creationism, global floods, and the young earth model
was scientifically impossible.. This so shocked the judge, that he made deliberate reference to Wickramasinghe's testimony in his decision.
Here, read it..
"Perhaps Dr. Wickramasinghe was called as a witness because he was generally critical of the theory of evolution and the scientific community, a tactic consistent with the strategy of the defense. Unfortunately for the defense, he demonstrated that the simplistic *1270 approach of the two model analysis of the origins of life is false. Furthermore, he corroborated the plaintiffs' witnesses by concluding that "no rational scientist" would believe the earth's geology could be explained by reference to a worldwide flood or that the earth was less than one million years old."
So there you have it..
You know that creationism doesn't have a leg to stand on when its own expert witness under oath at trial admits that it cant possibly be true.. lol