Alive in Christ
New Member
Are you serious! This site is laughable. :laugh: You really use this as evidence? Two exambles: The baptism of Bells. Of course, bells were not baptised (that is reserved for human beings), but the rite used in the blessing of them bore many similarities to the sacrament, so it was called that by some people, but (and, of course, the site does not point this out) the Catholic Church never had a rite called ''The Baptism of Bells''.
And wax candles introduced in church. Oh, horror of horrors! Why didn't they just add some floodlights???
Posting a link like this adds no credibility to your position against Catholicism. Chick Publications prints the same kind of nonsense that most people can see through. I would hope you could find better ''evidence'' against the Church than this. James White presents better ''evidence'' against the Church. I suggest you go to Youtube and enter his name in the search engine ánd you will get material that has some credibility.
I am sorry that you didnt like my linked material, but it wasnt posted for you (if you are a baptist)
It was posted. for the catholics. or catholic sympathisers.
The material in my linked material is overflowing with ((truth)) for any catholics. or catholic sympathisers who have been sucked into believing the poisionous false teachings of the catholic church
Thank you for your comments