Micah 2:1 Woe to those who devise iniquity,
And work out evil on their beds!
At morning light they practice it,
Because it is in the power of their hand.
2 They covet fields and take them by violence,
Also houses, and seize them.
So they oppress a man and his house,
A man and his inheritance.
All things are not equal. Not all rich people are reaping the rewards of their labour & creativity. Many of the poor do not have the option of working for a living. They have no land to cultivate; the factories have been closed; they have caring responsibilities; their rents have been increased; they're too old; too ill.
As far as the rich are concerned, the poor who once worked for them have no useful function now their jobs are exported. Let them live & die in squalor. They're just a liability.
Should the church take responsibility? Responsible Christians are unlikely to have a large disposable income - they are committed to local church, missions & charity anyway.
The state has regulated land & property ownership & provides the services for law & order & national security. Surely it has responsibility for the health & welfare of all its citizens?
Increased taxation does not make the rich poorer, but austerity measures do make the poor poorer.
The state is an entity made up of the people sitting in offices the people of the state, set there to make decisions.
You giving me a list of decisions the public becomes "subject to" based on the publics' election to set in office whom "they" chose, is of no consequence to me.
The government was never given the authority to dictate what a man exposes himself to. If a man wants to eat junk food, or breath benzene, or inhale smoke or not work or not provide for his children he elected to have....so what? Why does the consequence of a mans choices become the public's burden?
Welfare? Welfare was specifically outlined in the Constitution a LONG time ago.
It had nothing to do with "health" and was specifically a few things that would be APPLICABLE to everyone equally.
You want to invent something and patent it, the laws apply equally to everyone.
You want to navigate water-ways, the laws apply equally to everyone.
You want to trade in your gold or silver for bank notes, the value applies equally to everyone.
You want to travel roads or byways, the laws apply equally to everyone.
You want the government to provide you with FOOD, HOUSING, CLOTHING, MEDICAL, EDUCATION, blah, blah, free, free, you make them your provider, you become a dependent, and they are your daddy.
And IFY, the government produces nothing, to have the financial means to GIVE a man something for no effort on the mans part. Thus the Government must selectively TAKE from whom "THEY" dictate shall give, and the Government must "qualify" whom "THEY" dictate shall receive.
The government does not grow food, build houses, manufacture clothing, produce compound medicines, build hospitals, educate people to become Doctors, blah, blah.
You want to follow the way of God, Trust Him. He is your provider, your Father.