No, there have been sorry attempts using twisted logic by people who were influenced by perterist 'scholars' who don't have a clue about timing, prophetic fulfillment and details which make for a huge difference in determining conclusions about prophecy. Quite frankly, it's pitiful.
Stop with the condescending attitude. All positions on preterism are adequately described in such places as
...and I have been studying prophetic issues for over 30 years including the preterist positions.
But it hasn't happened YET. T
hose kingdoms still exist and have not been brought down...YET.
No, it is not ancient is the revived Roman Empire of the coming world dictator. That empire is described as two legs and ten toes. You left that out of the picture. Daniel was not wrong. You are.
I just did, by two of the ancient church fathers who indicated that John died during the time of Domitian, A.D. 96.
I don't 'see Antichrist everywhere'. He hasn't come yet and I do not know who he is. Furthermore you are flat wrong about I John:
Quote: "Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that
antichrist shall come,
even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. I John 2:18.
Do you know the difference between singular (ἀντίχριστος) and plural (ἀντίχριστοι)?
That's human opinions and spiritual truth is not determined by them.
It doesn't really make any difference if Revelation was written during or before A.D. 70 because the prophecies (7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 vials of wrath, 3 woes, Antichrist, 666, world government and an entire world affected by all of that and NOT just the Roman Empire. What happened in A.D. 70 was not even known by most of the rest of the world until months and/or years later. At the end, the entire planet will be affected and not just Israel and Rome.
You won't win anything. There is no 'forced' literal interpretation.
Every single symbol of scripture stands for something real, including the devils that come out of the pit in Rev. 9 that look like locusts with scorpion stingers
that will torment men for five months during the tribulation. If you don't think that was literal then tell the readers just what it meant. Please don't miss this point because I want to see your reply.
The trouble is that those of your persuasion treat the scriptures like a rubber band that you can stretch or shrink any way you can in order to perserve your unbelief about what it really says.
He was wrong, just like you are. That's a crazy interpretation that has no merit.
For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth (restrains) will let(restrain), until he be taken out of the way.
That is almost certainly the Holy Spirit holding back the completion of Antichrists coming kindgom...not some pagan emperor persecuting the Jews.
Christ did not...return! He is sitting on the throne of glory
now...but He will sit upon the
throne of David after His second coming (Isa. 9:6-7) AND
that has to be an earthly throne over an earthly kingdom because Isaiah tells us that while He reigns there were be death, curses, and famine, & new moons. Isa. 65:20, 66:22-23, Zech. 14:17.But there is no death in heaven and no curse. There will be no 'new moon' in the eternal reign, in fact, no moon at all.
Yet, as I just quoted from Isaiah....the first stage of that 'new heavens and new earth' will include death and curses. Read it for yourself. That refers to the coming millenial kingdom and not to the eternal state that comes later in perfection (no death, no curse, no sun, nor moon).
You are so confused. You believe Lightfoot over scripture. For example:
The destruction of Jerusalem was just the BEGINNING of the 'days of vengeance'....but it proceeded througout history and is still in effect to this day and will be until the visible, literal return of Christ. There will be another destruction of Jerusalem in the future just before Christs second coming and the details of that event are found in Zechariah 12...
And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. vs 9.
Friend, that DID NOT happen in A.D. 70 for the Romans were not crushed by the Lord and He did not appear visibly as John said he would (Rev. 1:7).
Your sense of timing is very poor.
You, friend, are playing fast and loose with scripture and that is very, very inappropriate and leads to serious error ...and as I mentioned, unbelief.