It is the idea that when we put our faith in Christ, we are instantly and automatically saved. It leaves out scripture after scripture that teaches it is God alone who decides whether to credit our faith as righteousness and places us into Christ. The action of God to "give to Christ" the individual (set him or her apart in Christ) is not mentioned in the bogus "automatic salvation" view.
Here is my statement again:
Lets look at just one of the many statements from the OP:
The evidence thus adds up to a scriptural understanding in which God wants all saved, synergism is a valid interpretation of scripture, and we do not do a good work by putting faith in Jesus Christ. Thus, there cannot be boasting in synergism.
Lets say a person hears and understanding the gospel and then puts their faith in Christ. Ok so far.
Now does this result in "automatic salvation" where the person is immediately born anew, becoming a new creation, a child of God. Or does "the will of God" play a part, i.e. He alone decides whether to credit your faith as righteousness or not?
I think Arminians say salvation occurs automatically when you trust in Christ.