Hey to all,
One of the major issues of the Reformation was the issue of "Free Will."
The question was posed by Luther, "Does man really have a free will?" He argued in his treatise "Bondage of the Will" that man did not?
Man is free on the horizontal plain to choose from things that have to do with this temporal life and such. But, man is not free to choose God. "We love him because He first loved us," says the Scripture. Any spiritual movement we have is in response to God first coming to us in our death.
The next time a person tells you that s(he) believes in a so-called "free will" ask them: Think about your worst sin or habit in your minds. Then say, if you have a "free will," then simply quit doing that habit or thinking those vile thoughts. Why are we unable to keep "New Year's Resolutions," because our "wills" are captive to Satan "at his will." (find that in the Scripture!).
Jesus said, he that commits sin is the slave of that sin. That does not sound very "free" to me!
The doctrine that is really repugnant to us all is the absolute depravity and deadness of man. Every fiber of man's being, inclination of the heart, thought, deed, & word has been tainted and tinted by the deadness and darkness of the sin in the heart. This includes the so-called "free will of man." It has "freedom," but this "freedom" is only in concert with its nature.
We would love to believe we have freedom to come to God when we want; but in actuality we are the "living dead" not even knowing we are dead spiritually.
What a Gospel we have!!!! That God would come to our funerals, where we are lying dead in our coffin, touch us, resurrect us by His Spirit, through the preaching of His Gospel, give us faith, give us repentance, and even equip and enable us to act upon what He has granted!!!!!
It is "All of Grace" as Spurgeon said in his little tract.
Praise to the Lamb who was slain!!!!!!