That skewed logic is so wacky, but you use it all the time. First of all most Calvinists don't call it Limited Atonement but rather Particular Redemption or Definite Atonement.
You can call it anything you like, if Jesus did not die for every man, then you have no idea who he died for, including yourself. This is perfect logic, and if you were logical you would realize that.
One shouldn't base there salvation on probabilities as you do winman. It is not a game for statisticians. Many rest on the unbiblical theory of Unlimited Atonement as you do. They think since Christ died for each and every person then they are covered. What a crock! They think since Jesus loved me and died for everyone then they don't have a thing to worry about. Wrong!
You are the one betting on a probability, not me. You believe Jesus only died for some men, and that you happen to be one of them. How you know that is beyond me. Did you see your name on a list somewhere?
My faith is in an absolute certainty. Jesus died for all men, so he absolutely died for me. And if I place my trust in him (which I did) I have his absolute promise he will save me.
Instead of that warped bit of thinking, one's salvation has to be determined by other means. Are you a sinner who is separated from God because you are a rebel against God? There is only one remedy. And that is to rest in the finished work of the Lamb of God --Jesus Christ Himself. He accomplished salvation --not potential salvation.
The only thing you have is WORKS. You must work to prove to yourself you are saved. That is no guarantee, the false believers in Matthew 7 depended on their works and they were as lost as a turkey on Thanksgiving Day.
Mat 7:22 Many will say to me in that day,
Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
These persons called Jesus "Lord". They prophesied in his name, cast out devils in his name and did many wonderful WORKS in his name, yet they were lost. Depending on your works does not prove you are saved, you better find some other way to know you are elect.
Well you certainly sound like you are when you dismiss 2 Cor. 2:15,16 and 2 Peter 1:10,11. You act as if they don't apply to you. You are beyond all that. Your posture is not one of humility.
You butchered those scriptures and I showed you that from a Calvinist theologian. Your interpretations of scripture are ridiculous.
And the Beast and the False Prophet according to your faulty logic.
If the Beast and False Prophet are men, then Jesus died for them. Jesus died for all men, especially those that believe.
Stop right there. You have said that multiple times and it has to stop. It is against the stated rules of the forum for one thing and is blatantly false as well. You say it out of spite. If it wasn't for Calvinists throughout Church History who the Lord raised up the Kingdom of God would not have been extended as it has. If Calvinism doesn't teach the Gospel then Spurgeon, DMLJ, Carey, Judson and a host of others are guilty as well. Somehow, your conclusion of the matter is terribly wrong. I will stick with biblical Calvinism --thank you very much.
You do not tell people that Jesus died for "our sins" as Paul did.
1 Cor 15:3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received,
how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
Were these Corinthians saved when Paul told them Jesus died for "our sins"? NOPE. He had no idea if they were elect or not, but he told them "Christ died for OUR sins according to the scriptures".
You do not teach that, because you do not believe that. You cannot tell any person that Jesus died for their sins, because you cannot know that. You cannot even know if Jesus died for your sins.
So, you misleadingly preach Jesus died for "sinners", but this is a half-truth (and complete lie) as well, because it gives the impression Jesus died for anyone who is a sinner, and you don't believe that. If you told the truth you would say Jesus died for "some sinners" and then admit you do not know which ones.
You are not teaching the same gospel as Paul whatsoever.
1 Tim 1:15 This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation,
that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.
How many sinners is 1 Tim 1:15 limited to? NONE, "sinners" here means all sinners, 100% of sinners.
That is not what you preach, you preach another gospel. If you don't like that, then preach what the scriptures truly say, and not your man-made false doctrine.
No, I am not wrong. And each time you go on your merry little jaunt you sound like a hyper-Calvinist. Hyper-Calvinists preachers think they can determine on their own if their audience is elect or not. You don't know if folks are elect or not. No one knows with any certainty. There are certain signs --such as the fruit they are bearing --their life testimony --but to insist that you know for sure who the elect are is foolhardy.
You need to put a lid on it sonny. You speak out of desperation. As a Christian honor the rules of board. Got it?
Non-Cals can know they are saved and the elect on the foundation of God's word. The scriptures repeatedly tell us Jesus died for all men, and that if we trust him we will be saved.
I KNOW Jesus died for me, you DON'T. I know if I trust Jesus I am saved, you DON"T. If Jesus did not die for you, your faith is VAIN.
Believing you are elect does not make it so. You could believe a pistol is unloaded and put it to your head and pull the trigger, if it is loaded it will blow your brains out no matter what you believe.
Ever hear of Terry Kath, the original great guitar player for the band Chicago? He believed a gun was unloaded when it wasn't.
Believing you are elect does not make it a reality. You need FACTS, not presumptions.