An old preacher that I knew when I was a teenager was asked how he resolved the conflict between God's sovereignty and man's will.l He responded, "I never knew they had a falling out!"
Obviously it's not quite that simple, at least to me. I agree with the old preacher, but I confess that some of this is beyond my ability to understand.
Maybe this verse will help:
Acts 2:23
Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain:
This is an interesting verse to me. Peter is saying that Jesus was delivered up and crucified as the result of the determinate counsel of God.
He also is saying that it was by God's foreknowledge. It would be easy to conclude that God simply knew how things were going to turn out because of his foreknowledge.l It's that "determinate counsel" that makes the statement so strong.
One could conclude then, that God knew it was going to happen because he determined that it would happen. Does that include every detail of every event surrounding the crucifixion?
Here's another interesting thing. He said the perpetrators had "wicked hands." They were wicked people and were directly responsible for killing the Lord Jesus.
So, what we have here is God's determinate counsel that Jesus would die, and the wicked hands would be held responsible for it.
Here I must stop because I have reached the limits of my understanding.
It's, as somebody famous once said, "above my pay grade."
I now yield to anyone else who'd like to take a crack at this.