Here we have a post using all types of pejoratives...
Learn a new word, would ya?!
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Here we have a post using all types of pejoratives...
C) = God determines all things, same as God is absolutely sovereign (i.e. 'in complete control over all things...including men's choices')
1) Necessarily God has fore determined everything that will happen
2) God has determined X
3) Therefore it is necessary that X will happen
Determinism = (T)
That would be a categorized claim that is said to be true (T), philosophically speaking, that is.
Several have answered this;
I see no scripture here! but I will proceed....
Mens choices are made by men. they are not outside of God's knowledge, or His per Judas betraying Jesus. God has decreed the events to unfold providentially so as to bring about His ordained purpose...the story of Joseph.....brought to a focus in Gen 50:20......The whole story is in view..lest you try and dismiss it you and webdog do..claim proof texting
the whole story..the coat, the brothers, the pit,Potiphars wife , prison, the butler and the baker, the dream,etc
nothing happens anywhere at any time ..that God does not allow to happen.
I do not see in light of verses such as this...rightly this is in any way even an issue , or debatable.
you ask a plain get a plain is a great link I have posted several times...I can only offer it to you and any other who wants a biblical answer to this question'
if you do not read will not help.:thumbs:
You call that an answer to "determinism" as defined?! :laugh: All I see is a bunch of your type of"philosophy"...
What kinda pretzel logic is this....
Jump right in and answer the question EWF, or is all you got is to drop in to play little Calvy diversion tactic games with all your buddies which can't follow elementary logical principles either so have to resort to engaging personal attacks rather than engaging in real debate...C) = God determines all things, same as God is absolutely sovereign (i.e. 'in complete control over all things...including men's choices')
1) Necessarily God has fore determined everything that will happen
2) God has determined X
3) Therefore it is necessary that X will happen
Determinism = (T)
That would be a categorized claim that is said to be true (T), philosophically speaking, that is.
If you look up the verses offered, re-read the story of Joseph, read the article linked with about 200 verses in will not see philosophy..but scripture.
But looks as if you are still not that interested in you know what that leaves you to,don't you Benjamin??? I do not have to say it again do I???
I could offer you 220 verses that discount calvinism right now, but that is not what this tread is about. It is about defining "determinism" not about chasing Icon's rabbit trails. Learn how to debate!
It is about defining "determinism" not about chasing Icon's rabbit trails. Learn how to debate!
Well now....I have no interest in that....if you want to define subjective words,and argue about definitions and such...
I've asked this before but here goes again.
Drat and bebother still cannot figure out how to quote individual parts of a post, Computer illiteracy is no joke had such a cute post here but came out like " &*(%&**()^%&$#%^&&(^*^$%%^gyBLAH BLAH"
I've asked this before but here goes again.
Does God determine everything that happens even down to the smallest detail?
I'll use an example to illustrate: Does god determine what I will have for lunch next Friday?
Or do I decide what I'm going to have for lunch next Friday and God had foreknowledge of my choice?
He does not determine down to the smallest detail.
He could, sometimes he does, but not always, he is Soveregn enough to have the option to neglect to intervene if he so chooses.
Is this what Calvinists believe?
I rather like, enjoy and respect Ravi Zacharias.Along with William Lane Craig, David Jeremiah, Charles Stanley, Andy Stanley......
Then I suggest finding another tread to pedal your dogma and to quit being so childish in interrupting this one with your off topic antics. BTW, I clearly removed any subjectivity from the definiton of "Determinism" and I'm sorry that you obviously not only don't recognize and understand this most elementary principle of debate but apparently in ignorance you reject the whole concept of logical reasoning designed to draw out the "truth" in the meanings of words. I can see how that (truth) would cramp your style but, Icon, this is supposed to be a debate board not a playground for anyone who wants to come along and disrupt a discussion that is not going their way by using any type of devious immature tactics that they can come up with to do so!
Makes me wanna be a truck driver. :thumbs:
Iconoclast, that has to be the dumbest rebuttal you have posted yet.
Is that what that was, a rebuttal of my argument? :laugh: I thought it was another example of Icon’s immature attempts of explaining to me his fantasy of what a tough guy he and his clan are and expressing how he would like to see some of his lard canned associates to have an opportunity to use their bullying tactics to intimidate me in person. :smilewinkgrin: Apparently, his warped imagination all he's got left to answer an ethical debate challenge... :laugh: