Where is that from the word of God?
Interpretation and without Biblical justification, reference. The woman is identified with the two prophets, Revelation 12:6; here: Revelation 11:3.
No you are clueless, " without Biblical justification" try to justify that she is NOT?! Is Christ God? Did He choose her to become
flesh? Was she brought up under the old covenant? Is Christ the NEW? Go take a walk , no biblical justification

.I am justified in Christ and will always be.Is she of the lineage of David? Is Christ the Son of David, which means born of David's blood line? Was it through Joseph or Mary? OBVIOUSLY Mary because Joseph is His father, more so by ADOPTION. Mary is His mother by flesh! Can not get anymore justified than that my man. CHRIST, was Incarnated of her flesh. Prove all that wrong!
You are disqualified! as for the Two prophets (My brothers in Christ), who are to come (THE TWO WITNESSES), will affirm all I say. They have the authority to slay as well, by the Holy Spirit. For the anointed priest ' of God ,do not carry the sword for nothing (The sword of the Holy Spirit as priest in Christ's authority). They will have the authority to burn men with fire( Holy Spirit fire) and cause all manner of plagues to fall upon them.
I am only a prelude, you know,just a taste of that which is to come and will be very harsh. Since you ignore the truth shared here, you will not be protected from the judgements which are soon to follow. The Rev.12 season is underway, and they shall follow this work. I will say to you as to all WATCH!