This is off topic of the thread. However:
Originally Posted by saturneptune
In this context I can see your point. If a spouse was cheating, and the couple was going to try and save the marriage, it would take both forgiveness and trust. If the offended party said, I forgive you but do not trust you, the marriage might as well end. Sometimes the two are inseperable.
LeBuick said:
That is a powerful truth... :thumbs:
I really was referring to any relationship of trust.
However, regarding a married couple where one has broken trust or is unfaithful:
The one hurt, has the responsibility to forgive, but reality is that he may not be willing to restore relationship. Saying "I don't trust you." is not the same thing as saying "I will NEVER trust you." The first statement is the realistic acknowledgement of the broken trust and deep injury of hurt, which allows for restoration provided both are willing to take the time. The second statement cuts off the offending party from the hope of restoring the relationship.
Even if the hurt party is willing to restore the relationship of trust.... the party which committed the trespass must understand that what he did caused a great injury to the relationship which will take time to heal and accept his own responsibility for healing the injury which he caused, by proving himself accountable, truthful in all things, available at all times, and ever faithful, until such time as he finds trust is restored in full and he is accepted without question.
Forgiveness is easy: Forgetting is harder. Once lost, trust takes time to rebuild: It is a difficult decision for the one who was wronged to reenter into a relationship where he may be hurt again.... But, it is perhaps harder for the one who did the wrong, to accept his responsibility in causing the hurt, and patience and consistancy in the face of dispelling the doubts which were the injury his own disobediance, in the hope that the relationship can be restored.
On a board such as this..... there are relationships of respect which develop among posters ..... which is a form of trust. Some disagree amicably because they respect each other in their differences: They don't label each other. They respect each other's opinions.... which doesn't judge or call names. They speak to the subject of the thread...... and don't abuse each thread under a section of the board as though eachone was an open topic. Some are more concise, others more wordy: Personalities gravitate towards those which have similarities or who like the complimentary difference.... and gravitate away from those who are dissimilar in expression or imagery; Some seem to know it all when (I)they don't, and others resent them or think their being talked down too..... when this may not be the position of either (the reader may not be less in knowledge or position, and the poster may not intend to know it all.... as much as meeting his own troubling difficulties to be thourough and complete with his attention to details (my personal downfall.... ).
I cannot speak for other posters.... but I try to read everyones input and give their viewpoint consideration. Sometimes I will express my own. But nothing bothers me more than to see off topic, or posters accusing others of doing the very things they fill their own post with..... namely name calling, judging, global statements or absolute statements where none exist, and going so far off subject that the point of discussion gets lost in attacks or hi-jacks. I'm not free of these myself..... so I try to be aware in every posting.... and most things am except.... I do get excessively wordy------perhaps out of fear I've left something misunderstood, or hurt someone who might take my words seriously in an area which I wasn't clear or my uncertainty wasn't communicated well.