After listening to the WOODSTOCK soundtrack, I would give an opinion, and as a professional musician, it is an informed opinion, that you cannot perform good music while on drugs. Add to that the sanitary conditions, and the fact that a half million people showed up expecting to be fed & cared for, I can honestly say I missed whatever "spiritual" thing was supposed to have happened. Looks to me to be what we would call in Military Law Enforcement a "target rich environment". What a bunch of doped-out miscreants. Thanx, baby-boomers.
I was only 8 when it happened, but I sure remember my dad's colorful language during that weekend. And I'll say in summation, if that's what that generation claims as a "success", it is no wonder this country is so messed up.
Move on, hippies. Take a bath, and get a job. You did NOT make the world a better place.
I was only 8 when it happened, but I sure remember my dad's colorful language during that weekend. And I'll say in summation, if that's what that generation claims as a "success", it is no wonder this country is so messed up.
Move on, hippies. Take a bath, and get a job. You did NOT make the world a better place.