“In the beginning” refers to this creation.If we concede there was a “place” that God existed before He created anything, then we must also concede there is something that is eternal other than God.
If there is something (a place) that is also eternal, then God ceases to be unique. In fact, one could conclude there is possibly an infinite number of “places” (alternative universes) that exists, each with its own “God” that is co-eternal with that “place”.
Speculation leads to heresy.
“In the beginning, God”. That is really all we need to know
peace to you
The Scriptures are silent about prior to the beginning of this creation.
An attribute of God is his creativity.
Because He does not turn His attributes on and off, I doubt this existence was the first, but who knows?
Like I posted earlier, the mystery makes eternity all that more interesting.