I just acknowledged that ignorance is a contributing factor
In my case it was ignorance, for over 25 years.
In many I see "out there", it's not ignorance of the doctrines or even the Scriptures that they are derived from, but a genuine belief that those Scriptures do not mean what the "Calvinist" claims that they mean.
In other words, some "see it", while others don't.
I believe that it depends on what vantage point one is approaching it from.
Calvinism is the Five Points and the Five Points is Calvinism, at least from a Baptist perspective.
From the
Baptist perspective, I would have to agree, but ( and this may seem strange ) there are two differing "Baptist" perspectives, as I see it, that have emerged over the past 200 years or so.
From the perspective of adopted "Reformed Theology", handed down from the "Reformers" like Calvin and Knox, Bucer and Beza and that now makes up the doctrinal teachings of the Presbyterian churches and Dutch Reformed churches ( think "Reformed Churches in America" and most Presbyterians ), I would have to disagree.
To me, there is a vast difference between someone who looks at Scripture for themselves and sees election, predestination, "calling" and so forth... and someone who studies it in seminary and uses terms like "supralapsarianism", "compatibilism", "desirative versus decretive" and such.
The latter is the result of centuries of theologians who have come up with terms that are used to convey a concept that they feel best describes something that they see in God's word.
The former simply skips the "mind-numbing scientific terms" and brings it back down to the level of the believer...who studies their Bible, but doesn't want to get sucked in to what is going on in the institutions of men ( can you tell I don't have any use for "bible colleges" because of the nature of what I see in 1 John 2:20-27, among other places? ).
Complicated versus Uncomplicated.
But I do not know how someone can claim to hold to TULIP and not hold to it at the same time.
I do, and I've seen it many times.
They hold to it because that is
all they've ever known...they grew up in it or were converted in it, but never dealt with the Scriptures
outside of it.
For example, they've been taught what 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14 says, but when 1 Timothy 2:4 comes along, they simply avoid it.
They've been taught what Matthew 1:21 and John 10:11 state, but simply avoid what John 1:29 and 1 John 2:2 say.
I've seen and experienced the
reverse in "Traditionalist" Baptist churches...where they talk about "whosoever will", but when Acts of the Apostles 13:48 and Romans 3:10-18 ( or "Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated" ) comes up, they simply avoid it or try to explain it away as meaning something
other than what it says.
The "pew sitter" is left confused, because while their pastors are claiming to preach
the entire counsel of God's word, in practice,
they aren't.
That's one reason I left the visible churches....simply "shunting the Scriptures aside" and refusing to deal with what they state, at face value, doesn't cut it, from my perspective.
Some people hold to "Calvinism" out of tradition, while others hold to it because they genuinely see it...all of it, for themselves.