The following questions, if answered in the affirmative, should indicate that you or your church isn’t following the teachings of the scriptures.
If you disagree, please show from scriptures that women were given the right to be anything but “shamefaced” and “silent,” and that men did not have all political and spiritual authority to not only run the church but the social politics of a country.
The list:
Do women have the right to express their opinion if there is no man to do so in the church?
Do women sit as teachers and in leadership positions in the church over males of any age?
Do women have the scriptural authority speak in public (in church or even in public forum such as this)?
Do women have the right to rebuke an adult male whether verbally, written or in displays of attitude and not stand in conflict with the church?
If you disagree, please show from scriptures that women were given the right to be anything but “shamefaced” and “silent,” and that men did not have all political and spiritual authority to not only run the church but the social politics of a country.
The list:
Do women have the right to express their opinion if there is no man to do so in the church?
Do women sit as teachers and in leadership positions in the church over males of any age?
Do women have the scriptural authority speak in public (in church or even in public forum such as this)?
Do women have the right to rebuke an adult male whether verbally, written or in displays of attitude and not stand in conflict with the church?