Another Calvinist for the list, oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.
ScarlettO in post #1 said non-Cal views were not wanted. Thus I assumed the posters making arguments for or against the premise (aborted babies burn in Hell forever) were Calvinists or leaned that way.
Posters by the numbers:
1) Reformed 1689
2) DaveG
3) Iconoclast
4) Canadyjd
5) AustinC
6) Reynolds
7) Scott Downey
8) Kyredneck
9) SGO
10) 1689 Dave
11) Yeshua1
12) Aaron
13) Batt4Christ
14) Martin Marprelate
15) Jerome
16) Tyndale1946
17) Apollard
Now it is perfectly possible some non-Cal's ignored the OP and posted anyway. But that is the list for what it is worth...

Truly honored to be counted worthy to be included in Van's Rogues Gallery.