What amazes me is that many of our "so-called 'Doctrines'" were not as completely reveal in OT times. OTOH, I tend to marvel at how David's two sons in some ways present a 'Type' of our fallen but then redeemed nature through the working of Our Lord Jesus Christ. (1) David, who was said to be "A man after God's own heart, when he should have been leading the army against the enemy of God's people (a/k/a Satan) chose rather to retreat to his "Comfort Zone." Isn't that just like us today at times,,,"I'll relax & take it easy for a change...After all, I'm #1 in the kingdom, so I'll just lay off fighting Satan....for a little while!! (2) Instead of doing what he knew what to do, David sees a rather attractive, already married women (cf. Proverbs). " I'm the king & what the king wants, HE Gets!!" (3) Nathan (Like John the Baptist did) tells a little "object lesson" to the king & concludes: "THOU art the MAN!!" (4) Finally recognizing his sin , David is "Put under conviction." Yes, his soul is saved, but his reputation is marred, beyond any other human. (5) "BUT GOD"----See Romans 5:6-8 ---- Forgives David & David "Starts anew," but David also realized "The wages of sin is DEATH"; however David did NOT die. but was received into the hands & heart of a God who forgave the penalty of David's sin, but OTOH the unity of God's Kingdom was in peril. (6) David had another son, Solomon. While David did gather the materials for God's house, David would not be THE one to finish God's dwelling place for His people. Solomon built that magnificent temple & it became the focal point of worship for His people. (7) As time passed however, man's desire to worship his God waned to the extent that he even placed false gods where the I AM was once praised & honored & worshipped. (8) "BUT GOD" didn't immediately destroy that temple. Instead He sent prophet after prophet to urge His people to return, & by so doing, experience times of refreshing & restored fellowship with his Creator. Although God would have been fully justified in destroying the Jerusalem temple, how many years His patience lasted (9) Finally, God DID act & let His dwelling place be leveled. (10) "BUT GOD" ....."sent His Only Begotten Son" to take our place on the cross, i.e., Jesus paid a debt He didn't owe for us, who owed a debt we COULDN'T pay. CLIMAX... (11) We who've trusted Jesus are given life everlasting!!! That's MORE than we should rightfully expect, "BUT GOD" showed His great love for us in that, while we were yet sinners, CHRIST DID FOR US!!! Doesn't that say something about God's true nature? (12) Yet how many times do I act just like the Prodigal Son's self-righteous brother?? (13) "Father, forgive me, for I know not what I should be doing!!"