Problem statement rather than Program to address it.
1) God desires for all to come to repentance, yet not all do. Calvinist say God only desires the Elect to come to repentance and therefore only grants repentance to the Elect.
2) Humans are ruined by the Fall, yet required to respond in faith. Calvinists say all men are unable to respond in faith until enabled by Irresistible Grace, then they are compelled to "willingly" come to faith.
3) God is sovereign in salvation, yet individuals are still held responsible for their reception or rejection of the Gospel. Calvinism claims even though the fallen are unable to receive the gospel, God punishes the fallen even though they are compelled to reject the gospel.
4) We agree that God loves everyone and desires to save everyone, but we differ as to why only some are ultimately saved. Calvinists denies that God desires to save everyone, He limits His desire to those chosen before creation.
5) Election is the gracious purpose of God, according to which He regenerates, justifies, sanctifies, and glorifies sinners. It is consistent with the free agency of man, and comprehends all the means in connection with the end. It is the glorious display of God's sovereign goodness, and is infinitely wise, holy, and unchangeable. It excludes boasting and promotes humility.
We differ as to whether the response of faith plays a role in one’s election. Calvinists say we are chosen unconditionally then given faith. 2 Thessalonians 2:13 says we are chosen through faith.
6) We agree that the penal and substitutionary death of Christ was sufficient for the sins of the entire world, but we differ as to whether Jesus actually substituted for the sins of all people or only the elect. This needs to be edited as follows: We agree that the substitutionary death of Christ was sufficient for the sin of the entire world, but we differ whether Christ died as a ransom for all. Calvinists say Christ died only for the elect.
7) We agree that the Gospel should be proclaimed to everyone, but we differ as to whether or how every hearer will be enabled to respond. Calvinists say only those enabled by Irresistible Grace can respond.
8) We agree that everyone has inherited Adam’s hopelessly fallen sin nature, but we differ as to whether we also inherit his guilt.
9) We agree that men and women are sinners, but we differ about the effects of sin on the mind and the will. Calvinists assert Total Spiritual Inability
10) We recognize the differences among us between the Calvinists who believe that [Adam's] sin nullifies freedom to respond to the Gospel and those who believe that freedom to respond to the Gospel is marred but not nullified.
11) We agree that God is absolutely sovereign in initiating salvation, uniting the believer to Himself, and preserving the believer to the end, but we differ as to how God expresses His sovereignty with respect to human freedom.
12) We agree that the Holy Spirit working through the Gospel enables sinners to be saved, but we differ as to whether this grace is resistible or as Calvinism claims irresistible.
13) We agree on the necessity of regeneration that results in God-ordained, Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered obedience from the heart, but differ as to whether faith precedes regeneration or as Calvinism claims regeneration precedes faith.
14) We agree that most Southern Baptists believe that those who die before they are capable of moral action go to heaven through the grace of God and the atonement of Christ, even as they differ as to why this is so.
All of these 14 issues are addressed in scripture, but the Biblical views are denied by Calvinism in favor of the traditions of men.
1) God desires for all to come to repentance, yet not all do. Calvinist say God only desires the Elect to come to repentance and therefore only grants repentance to the Elect.
2) Humans are ruined by the Fall, yet required to respond in faith. Calvinists say all men are unable to respond in faith until enabled by Irresistible Grace, then they are compelled to "willingly" come to faith.
3) God is sovereign in salvation, yet individuals are still held responsible for their reception or rejection of the Gospel. Calvinism claims even though the fallen are unable to receive the gospel, God punishes the fallen even though they are compelled to reject the gospel.
4) We agree that God loves everyone and desires to save everyone, but we differ as to why only some are ultimately saved. Calvinists denies that God desires to save everyone, He limits His desire to those chosen before creation.
5) Election is the gracious purpose of God, according to which He regenerates, justifies, sanctifies, and glorifies sinners. It is consistent with the free agency of man, and comprehends all the means in connection with the end. It is the glorious display of God's sovereign goodness, and is infinitely wise, holy, and unchangeable. It excludes boasting and promotes humility.
We differ as to whether the response of faith plays a role in one’s election. Calvinists say we are chosen unconditionally then given faith. 2 Thessalonians 2:13 says we are chosen through faith.
6) We agree that the penal and substitutionary death of Christ was sufficient for the sins of the entire world, but we differ as to whether Jesus actually substituted for the sins of all people or only the elect. This needs to be edited as follows: We agree that the substitutionary death of Christ was sufficient for the sin of the entire world, but we differ whether Christ died as a ransom for all. Calvinists say Christ died only for the elect.
7) We agree that the Gospel should be proclaimed to everyone, but we differ as to whether or how every hearer will be enabled to respond. Calvinists say only those enabled by Irresistible Grace can respond.
8) We agree that everyone has inherited Adam’s hopelessly fallen sin nature, but we differ as to whether we also inherit his guilt.
9) We agree that men and women are sinners, but we differ about the effects of sin on the mind and the will. Calvinists assert Total Spiritual Inability
10) We recognize the differences among us between the Calvinists who believe that [Adam's] sin nullifies freedom to respond to the Gospel and those who believe that freedom to respond to the Gospel is marred but not nullified.
11) We agree that God is absolutely sovereign in initiating salvation, uniting the believer to Himself, and preserving the believer to the end, but we differ as to how God expresses His sovereignty with respect to human freedom.
12) We agree that the Holy Spirit working through the Gospel enables sinners to be saved, but we differ as to whether this grace is resistible or as Calvinism claims irresistible.
13) We agree on the necessity of regeneration that results in God-ordained, Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered obedience from the heart, but differ as to whether faith precedes regeneration or as Calvinism claims regeneration precedes faith.
14) We agree that most Southern Baptists believe that those who die before they are capable of moral action go to heaven through the grace of God and the atonement of Christ, even as they differ as to why this is so.
All of these 14 issues are addressed in scripture, but the Biblical views are denied by Calvinism in favor of the traditions of men.