It would almost have to be UN forces. There is a huge movement among the troops, veterans, and law enforcement called Oath Keepers. They have publicly stated that there are several orders they will not obey. The main thrust is they will not disarm American citizens that are otherwise legal gun owners.
They'll be among the first to be targeted by those who will follow orders.
I doubt it will come to that for quite awhile, I hope. It's all going to be done incrementally. Here's how I see it happening.
New Orleans after Katrina was a glimpse of our future. Go back and look at all the video and read the stories of what took place there.
There has been a huge effort for some time to demonize patriots, conservatives, constitutionalists, war veterans, survivalists, peppers and gun owners. We've been painted as "ultra nationalists", "super patriots", "right wing extremists", "disgruntled veterans", "child murderers" and "gun nuts" in the case of gun owners.
There's a whole list of government papers and reports that have been demonizing us going back a decade now. These have made their way to police forces all over the country as "training" aids.
The U.S. military has been training along side foreign troops to confiscate guns and subdue Americans for at least 15 years. The police have been training as a military force and receiving military weapons going back even further. Now they've been federalized through the "fusion centers".
We've been slowly conditioned to accept troops on our streets and even at sporting events. They make us feel safe. Good guys wear black face masks and carry German submachine guns.
And now Janet Napolitano and DHS has begun setting up a "stasi police state" with the "see something - say something" campaign. The idea is turn us against each other.
Divide and conquer.
If the effort to take our guns through legislation fails Obama will try to use the ATF to outlaw semi auto rifles by reclassifying them as class II weapons.
I expect to hear about more mass shootings in the meantime. I know most of you find it hard or impossible to believe our government would run false flag ops killing Americans to further an agenda. But I remind you we are not dealing with our government anymore. We're dealing with a government that has been hijacked by foreign interests and run by greedy power hungry sociopaths. Believe it or don't. That's up to you. Watch for tragic events that further the agenda. Look at how they are reported and used to restrict our rights and empower government.
They can't all be coincidence.
We'll see some type of false flag event or events that will be blamed on patriots, conservatives, war vets, constitutionalists . . etc. To ramp up the fear, suspicion and hatred of these groups. When that happens, people won't think twice about the POTUS using all the expanded powers he claims like warrantless searches, indefinite detention without charges or trial and of course targeted execution. People will weep and wail at Big Brother's feet... "keep us safe, keep us safe, keep us safe from the evil domestic terrorists" and Big Brother will be only to happy to oblige them.
More divide and conquer.
We'll all be terrorists at that point so we'll have no protection under the law. Due process is for our masters. Not us.
From there on out it ain't going to be a picnic.
I really hope you guys are right about me being a wacko conspiracy theorist because I would truly hate to be right about all this.
But that's how it see it lining up in front of me. A martial law dictatorship has been set up through unconstitutional acts like the patriot acts, military commissions act, the NDAA (to name a few) and is being codified into law.
The framework is there folks all it would take now is the right "emphasis" to begin the enforcement.
But none of this is new news to you all . . . I've been here warning you about it and posting thousands of links to the actual government reports, documents, legislation, and white papers since 2004.