DHK has posted the same old tommyrot from Cooper Abrahams that he did in the past.
C.A. is clearly outclassed by the scholarship and honesty of the following men.
Bernard Cottret: Calvin: A Biography
"Geneva, in fact, was never a theocracy...the ministry and the magistracy, were never one and the same...To sum up, Calvin did not take over the state; he was neither a commanding general nor an ayatolla." (p.159)
"The consistory therefore could not inflict any penalties; it had only limited doctrinal competence." (p.166)
"We must avoid the simplistic idea of a religious reformation controlling the civil power to erect a theocratic, indeed fundamentalist state. In fact, it was almost the opposite." (p.114)
McGrath Life of Calvin
"The image of Calvin as 'dictator of Geneva' bears no relation to the known facts of history." (p.119)
Basil Hall
...the records of Geneva show him plainly to have been the servant of its Council which on many occasions rejected out of hand Calvin's wishes..."
J.I. Packer
"Yet all serious Calvin-scholars now know that the Calvin of legend --the slobbering ogre, the egotistical fanatic, the doctrinaire misanthrope, the inhuman dictator with a devilish god --is a figure of fancy --not fact."
C.A. is clearly outclassed by the scholarship and honesty of the following men.
Bernard Cottret: Calvin: A Biography
"Geneva, in fact, was never a theocracy...the ministry and the magistracy, were never one and the same...To sum up, Calvin did not take over the state; he was neither a commanding general nor an ayatolla." (p.159)
"The consistory therefore could not inflict any penalties; it had only limited doctrinal competence." (p.166)
"We must avoid the simplistic idea of a religious reformation controlling the civil power to erect a theocratic, indeed fundamentalist state. In fact, it was almost the opposite." (p.114)
McGrath Life of Calvin
"The image of Calvin as 'dictator of Geneva' bears no relation to the known facts of history." (p.119)
Basil Hall
...the records of Geneva show him plainly to have been the servant of its Council which on many occasions rejected out of hand Calvin's wishes..."
J.I. Packer
"Yet all serious Calvin-scholars now know that the Calvin of legend --the slobbering ogre, the egotistical fanatic, the doctrinaire misanthrope, the inhuman dictator with a devilish god --is a figure of fancy --not fact."