going back to the original premise (right word ?) of this here horrendously (apologies to kyredneck) heretical OP, I was having a talk with a friend of mine about the very thing: God giving a command which is impossible for finite, spatially challenged, creatures like redeemed believers to do.
which is, to go and preach the gospel to every creature.
and he gave his take on it, which I find to be very agreeable.
Jews of Jesus' time were going to be labeled racist and hate talkers if they were living in our time.
that is because they consider anyone who is not a 100% Jew to be lower mortals, in fact, Jesus Himself referred to this bias (though He did not necessarily agree with it) in that conversation where the woman replied even dogs wait for the crumbs that fall from their masters' table.
then, again, we know of the Jews's historical bias against Samaritans.
After the resurrection, and on the finishing of His mission and task here, he gave His disciples the command to go and preach the gospel to EVERY CREATURE which did not mean just EVERY INDIVIDUAL but essentially meant ALL nations and RACES.
In Paul's lingo, "to the Jew first, and also to the Greek".
Christ now having redeemed all whom He was sent to redeem, He is now sending His apostles to go and preach this good news of a DONE, FINISHED, eternal salvation to all who have been given ears to hear, all whom the Father draws, all whom the Spirit quickens and gathers in His Name among a fallen generation, WITHOUT REGARD TO RACE, NATION, TRIBE, OR TONGUE.
That is what EVERY CREATURE means.
And the Apostles did this successfully.