In St. John chapter 8 Christ is having a dialog with the unbelieving Jews and he told them in verse 23 that they were from beneath and of this world.
true. but Jesus actually say they were children of wrath ? Now I'm not saying that ALL of these Jews were of the elect, but neither am I prepared to say they were all not of God's people.
In verse 24 Christ also told the Jews that they would die in their sins, but this verse does not end here, he goes on and say's IF ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.
Is dying IN your sins the same as dying FOR your sins ?
The phrase "I am HE" speaks of Him being the Messiah, and they do not believe He IS the Messiah, that is their sin, from which all their other sins stem.
But, notice, the same chapter, verse 30 says "as He spake these words, many believed on Him", and yet, these same people who believed on Him, insisted on their lineal descent from Abraham and in verse 37 Jesus still identified them with those who seek to kill Him.
I hope you see the folly of basing one's eternal salvation on the fickleness of man's faith.
It is CHRIST who is the Rock and the Foundation of man's salvation, not the faith and belief of man.
His work stands ANY test.
Our works, which include belief, and faith, is oftentimes hay and stubble.
So what can we learn from this verse ? Number one, All men are condemned to die, ye shall die in your sins. Number two,
Are Jews ALL men ?
and also this brings us back to one of the main premises of this thread, that God and Christ, being One, cannot possibly issue orders and instructions contradictory to the ability of man, which is preaching the gospel to EVERY creature as a condition of eternal salvation.
In like manner, this same God stated in so many places that His purpose will always happen, and Nebuchadnezzar confirmed this when he said "He does what he will in the army of heaven and of earth".
Now, if from the foundation of the world, He purposed to save a people unto Himself FROM the fallen posterity of Adam, and He writes their Names in His mind (the book of Life), and the Lamb is slain from the foundation of the world, therefore, in all principle, that blood is shed, how then can ALL MEN be condemned to die ?
On what basis did God un-condemn the likes of Enoch and Elijah ?
On their faith ?
Do you have anything to point to that says Elijah's faith, for example, was steadfast and unmoving as Jesus' faith ?
well, it's been nice talking to you.
need to go out with the wife the whole day, so I'll come back for the rest of your post.
have a good day.