I was listening to a regular radio prog of a well-known evangelist who was killed in a plane crash in 1982, who was supposed to be indy fundy Baptist. While I'm not a regular listener, I happened to be listening today, His sermon was supposed to be about taking drugs, not only illicitly, but for supposed beneficial effects. He started out fine, but then began talking about some old doc who never prescribed a drug, but supposedly had a high cure rate, then, about abuse of 'sleeping pills'. He then began extollin pure water & lemon juice as the great healers, the only ones people need.
He then went off the deep end, promoting a veggie diet, saying this dr. he knew told him he'd never seen a case of high cholesterol in a veggie. Then he said people got sick for not following the Leviticus diet, which was herbs & veggies (I DON'T THINK HE READ LEVITICUS TOO CLOSELY, ESPECIALLY CH. 11!)
While I'd listened to that man's progs off & on for years, I'd never heard anything that goofy from him before!
He then went off the deep end, promoting a veggie diet, saying this dr. he knew told him he'd never seen a case of high cholesterol in a veggie. Then he said people got sick for not following the Leviticus diet, which was herbs & veggies (I DON'T THINK HE READ LEVITICUS TOO CLOSELY, ESPECIALLY CH. 11!)
While I'd listened to that man's progs off & on for years, I'd never heard anything that goofy from him before!