I agree with almost everything that has been expressed so far. Adam didn't need a telescope, because the heavens were designed to be viewed and their meanings discerned with the unaided eye from the face of the earth.
That doesn't mean we shouldn't take a closer look at them. I think we're invited to look as closely as we can, but not to find new and different meanings, as was the case with the Tower of Babel, and has been the case with cosmology for the last four or five hundred years, but to be awed by the power and the glory of the One who put us here.
All in this thread seem agreed that the heavens are about meaning. (I'm going to buy the book that TC recommended.) There is no calendar, technology nor medicine that owes its existence to one model or the other. The high priests of modern physics have come right out and said that both models are equally valid and justifiable by the known laws of physics. No one really knows that it's the earth that goes around the sun. We only believe it.
If there is no structure, there is no meaning. You can discern a meaning in this post because of the arrangement of letters into words, and words into sentences, and sentences into paragraphs. And so also by the structure in the heavens, we are to discern certain meanings.
Would a geocentric model have a different meaning than a heliocentric one?
That's a real question.
Why, though both Einstein and Hawking assert there is no truth to one over the other, do they seem to prefer the notion that the earth is in orbit around the sun, and not the other way around?