perco I agree with you while I also hold out hope for babies even if scripture does not speak to it, but what I will not do is teach that there is biblical proof of the age of accountability as it is a very dangerous teaching.
while I also hold out hope for babies, Why not just, while I also hold out hope.
Well think of it like this. Does man have hope because he at some age or mental ability he is able to choose to be saved, or did Christ die for the ungodly or as Young's has it Rom. 5:6 For in our being still ailing, Christ in due time did die for the impious;
And from those ungodly/impious God is choosing a people for his name and that through those upon whom his name is called and the Lord Jesus deliverance/salvation can come to all men. See Joel 2:32 and Acts 15:17.
God is the author of faith and God is faithful.
But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
The sheep Abraham heard the voice of God, God told this sheep at 100 years old he was going to have an heir and through that heir his seed would be uncountable. The sheep Abraham believed God. Now when God told this sheep to sacrifice his son of promise the sheep reasoned if through this son I am going to have all these seed then God must going to raise him from the dead and bring that about, therefore he obeyed God.
If God could raise Isaac form the dead he can raise any child who dies to day from the dead and give them life.
IMHO it was through the faith/faithfulness of God that this sinner Abraham was called as a sheep to bring about what God had told the serpent, Satan in the garden,"And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."
Paul makes a statement in Gal. 3 about when Faith came which is relative to the faith of Christ. There is a moment in time when Faith came. It was the moment that Jesus the man was obedient unto death even the death on the cross. It was for this obedience of faith that Paul preached the gospel to the Gentiles (nations) It was through this obedience of death on the cross that Jesus the Christ became the author and finisher of the faith. Article The Faith for it is by the grace of God through The faith. The article is in the Greek. Grace of God in God begetting his Son in the flesh and the Faith of the Son in obedience unto death even the death on the cross that The Father would raise him from the dead.
It is the Faith of Christ. Abraham believed because he was a sheep.
The reason this comes up is because people like Eve believe Satan, thou shalt not surely die.
That hope should be for all that have lived. For hope is in the resurrected Jesus the Christ. He is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. He is Faith.
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