In college, preachers and professors taught us that wine in the Bible was only grape juice, fruit of the vine &c. They always had some inflammatory tract written by some funny-mentalist to give us too, or would refer to some horrendously written reference.
I never did believe this, but many preachers do, and still preach that it was grape juice. They also preached the other legalisms.
It was wine. With alcohol content. And they used it, and Jesus Himself must have also, as He was accused of being a gluttonous man, and a winebibber. So He must have done things for a good time also, just not of course, to the level He was accused. I don't think He turned water into grape juice, by the way.
I know preachers who like to drink Great Lakes Brewing Company brews. I heard Elliot Ness is a good one. And Burning River is OK too, I heard :tongue3:. And Edmund Fitzgerald. I use to live up that way.