Why do we even entertain this subject? The entire premise it ridiculous. Don't think you should drink? Don't do it. And shut your mouth.
Because it's good to try to have agreement on things of this nature as the world watches us closely. It's also good to discuss and study these things and learn things we didn't know before that could explain the scriptures to us deeper than we previously understood them.
Kinda like the argument for marijuana. I believe it's a cheap medicine that could replace other pain meds for less cost, fewer side effects and less negative impact on the body, yet most states make it illegal, although it is a plant. (yet aspirin is legal, go figure)
If we never talked about these things or spent time discussing them, we'd never have a way to back up our beliefs. And we need to know they're true, not just our own opinion. Believing what you will and then shutting up about it is counter to Christianity, which requires us to have these things out in the open and our beliefs examined in the light.