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My grip's fine thanks. I don't see how you can be a Nazirite and remain an Anglican, anymore than I can see how the Episcapostate Church can remain Anglican whilst doing what it does.
I'm sorry...you claimed to be a chemist?A little science would help you immensely.
Fermentation is the opposite of pasteurization.
Fermentation does not eliminate yeast from grapejuice.
Fermentation is the allowing of yeast to grow unchecked and uncontrolled.
Yeast is a filthy fungus, a living thing, which feeds off foods like the sugars in juices. It grows anaerobically, and produces unclean waste products like any other animal.
Sometimes (for the purpose of producing the maximum amount of alcohol content), the yeast is allowed to grow wild for so long, that it finally dies by suffocating in its own excrement, alcohol. Alcohol is effectively yeast-piss. By the end of this process, all the yeast dies off, but it hasn't gone anywhere. It the carcasses of the yeast sink to the bottom of the wine container, and they are called euphemistically, "sediment".
The alcohol is yeast-urine, and the sediment is dead yeast carcass. Even if you were to strain out most of the dead yeast, you leave behind a liquid which is 5% to 10% yeast-urine.
Imagine if I ran an illegal puppy-mill, and allowed the dogs to multiply like rabbits, until there were so many dogs they started eating each other in the cages, and rolled around dying in their own excrement. Once all the dogs are dead, I now take the cages, and remove most of the dead dog-carcasses, and scoop up all the remaining dogfood.
Now I sell this dogfood to you as hamburger patties, and tell you it is "dog-free" and now perfectly clean and safe to eat.
Of course you'd want to put me in jail once you found out how I manufactured the hamburger patties.
And no priest would knowingly pronounce the hamburger patties "kosher" or "clean" or fit for eating.
In that case I sinned recently when a neighbor gave me a shot of whiskey. I see no more wrong with an occasional alcoholic drink than I do with anything else we eat or drink.
As for alcohol being food, neither is anything we drink. There is food we eat, and there are liquids we drink. That one drink had no effect whatsoever on me, and in my opinion was no different from drinking anything else--except for the alcohol.
As for being intoxicated, you can become that way from drinking too much water. I worked for 28 years at a VA Medical Center, and we had patients there who would become intoxicated from drinking excessive amounts of water. I had never heard of that before working there, but I definitely got an education there and learned things I hadn't known before.
The US government had no problem murdering 250 firemen either, when it pulled WTC building 2 and 7.
Even liberals think that Spong lost the plot a long time ago.
There's something tragically wrong with your interpretation of the Wedding at Cana.
Do I know? Yes. I studied the passage for about 25 years and wrote a few books on it.
You can read a full statement of my position here:
The Real meaning of the Wedding at Cana
Yes & thats what I think when I hear "Episcopalian"
IE Catholic Like, Gay, ultra liberal & insignificant
. Oh forgot apostate. Sorry if that offends
Then the statement about good and bad wines was in error because everyone was to drunk to know the difference?
Anyway, we don't know anything about the wine they drank except that it was low on alcohol and made from grapes.
I think wine tasting has become a sham, like the emperor's new clothes. I like the ten dollar white wine in big white boxes.
I'm an Anglican.
I'm not surprised.
Well, that's just the North American 'Church'. You should try our gaffe.Yes & thats what I think when I hear "Episcopalian"
IE Catholic Like, Gay, ultra liberal & insignificant
. Oh forgot apostate. Sorry if that offends
Alcoholism is no "habit"; it is a sickness the result of social influence or /and over-indulgence mostly; not of a sober and healthy "habit" to have a glass or two of wine or beer now and then.
Give the failure of a human being the blame because HE earned his sickness and try help him (usually of no avail) pull himself together; don't blame God or what He gives man for the good of him.
I've no wish to derail the thread, but I cannot let Nazaroo's diagram of what it means to be an Anglican pass. It just is not true that anyone who: