I don’t consider it false, rather it is a stance in ones understanding of scripture. You are entitled to your opinion on the matter but as for me and many it is a stance we monergists believe in.... and one that Luther also believed in.There is Book with much greater reason for one to draw his conclusion of faith than the words in the book:
(The Doctrines of Grace: Rediscovering the Evangelical Gospel, By James Montgomery Boice, Philip Graham Ryken) which you claim to use to have formed your conclusions of volitional inability thereby rendering the light of the Gospel as powerless due to your acceptance of these men's false doctrines of Predestination.
And so what is the issue that is paramount (then as it is now) quite simply Sola Gratia, ie do you believe in the Salvation by Grace alone or don’t you? That is what distinguishes the monergist from the synergist.