Again, this all goes back to one simply, unassailable fact - JESUS HAS NOT YET PHYSICALLY RETURNED!
No preterist argument can touch that FACT! That fact completely kills full preterism! There's simply no substitute for the coming physical return of Jesus, in great power & glory, to be seen by all!
That physical, visible return will be His parousia. Nothing else has or will fulfill that prophecy.
Sorry, preterists, your doctrine is false. All your chatter will not replace the actual prophesied events, which have yet to occur.Jesus' prophecies in the Olivet Discourse and in the Revelation are not "figurative/ symbolic/metaphorical", but are of ACTUAL EVENTS, which will occur. Now, why seemingly-intelligent people can believe those events have already happened is beyond me. HISTORY WOULD NOT HAVE MISSED THEM, nor would the world have continued on in the same mannet it has, before and after 70 AD.