I really need to understand this......What is it with you people? Beer & liquor in general is not in it self sinful. Its the ignoramuses who allow it to control them that use it to alter their minds that are the sinners. I mean is it cultural? Have you been raised to look at beer & liquor as devils brew? My good Lord, Christ drank it? So what is the problem? Just amazing!!!
No need to resort to name calling. You live in New Jersey which is very similar to my area of New York - Long Island. Alcoholism is rampant - that is the problem. I love a good beer - and many other drinks but we've chosen to not partake because of our ministry. Is drinking wrong overall? No. I drinking wrong for many? Absolutely. Is NOT drinking wrong? No - not when it's done for the proper reasons.
This man has a negative view of alcohol and it bothers him that he works there. I don't understand how one can work for a company that stands for something that makes him uncomfortable. But that's me.
Bottom line is that this gentleman is uncomfortable with working there - is not happy - and wondering if it's a sin. If he has these feelings - whether or not they are "right" - he needs to deal with that and for now, if he believes it is a sin, it's a sin for him.