I need some help identifying where I sit in terms of Baptist doctrine.
I have been spending my free time debating apologetics, bible, and doctrine for a year on an apologetical Facebook group. My views on doctrine have changed as a result, as I have delved deeper and deeper into the Word. I want to know where I am on the Baptist spectrum of doctrine. I think I am now in line with independent fundamental Baptists, but I'm not sure. My old SBC church was definitely unhappy with my current doctrine and thought me too much like the IFB.
The big thing is I gave up believing "once saved, always saved" as I delved into the Word. I believe unrepentant sin on our part can lead to apostasy and if that is unrepentant, hell. I know free will Baptists are the same, but I was told IFB are that way too by a deacon at my old SBC church.
I prefer the NASB and Interlinear now, and I am strongly against very "thought-for-thought" translations like the Message.
I want nothing to do with Rick Warren and similar Seeker Driven programs or teachings. The reason is complicated but has to do with what I perceive as giving into the culture of the world.
I believe women should not preach, teach, or hold authority in church except over children and other women.
I hold to God's foreknowledge and predestination of people to the faith, but I believe God wants all saved and that this paradox is alright because God's ways are so much higher than our comprehension.
I hate Charismatic Influence and want none of it in church.
I believe very strongly in church discipline.
I am not dispensationalist.
I have been spending my free time debating apologetics, bible, and doctrine for a year on an apologetical Facebook group. My views on doctrine have changed as a result, as I have delved deeper and deeper into the Word. I want to know where I am on the Baptist spectrum of doctrine. I think I am now in line with independent fundamental Baptists, but I'm not sure. My old SBC church was definitely unhappy with my current doctrine and thought me too much like the IFB.
The big thing is I gave up believing "once saved, always saved" as I delved into the Word. I believe unrepentant sin on our part can lead to apostasy and if that is unrepentant, hell. I know free will Baptists are the same, but I was told IFB are that way too by a deacon at my old SBC church.
I prefer the NASB and Interlinear now, and I am strongly against very "thought-for-thought" translations like the Message.
I want nothing to do with Rick Warren and similar Seeker Driven programs or teachings. The reason is complicated but has to do with what I perceive as giving into the culture of the world.
I believe women should not preach, teach, or hold authority in church except over children and other women.
I hold to God's foreknowledge and predestination of people to the faith, but I believe God wants all saved and that this paradox is alright because God's ways are so much higher than our comprehension.
I hate Charismatic Influence and want none of it in church.
I believe very strongly in church discipline.
I am not dispensationalist.